Brave Pastor to Global Predators and Their Minions: ‘Resign Now, While You Still Can’

There’s a brilliant column posted over at by J.D. Rucker.

Rucker writes about a man who lived under a communist dictatorship in the 1980s and watched the regime collapse under the pressure of raw people power. That man is Pastor Artur Pawlowski and the country was Poland.

The pastor has since emigrated to Canada where he is again confronted by a burgeoning totalitarian system, one that asks to see your papers before you enter a restaurant, sporting arena or pub, one that tracks your spending and your movements about the country and attempts to limit that movement based on its arbitrary determination as to whether such travel is “safe.” It decides what is in the best interests of the “greater good” and anyone who disagrees is treated like a social outcast, a pariah who must be separated from the obedient herd.

The only difference is that this time it’s a system that is being forced upon the entire world, not just one country or one region. So if we don’t defeat this beast system there will be nowhere to flee, no beacon of freedom, no shining city on a hill to welcome us into its waiting, merciful arms.

Rucker astutely observes that there is a “protective bubble” around the vast majority of politicians throughout the world today. As long as they’re echoing the sentiments of The Great Reset by pushing vaccine mandates and engaging in medical tyranny, they are guarded by big corporate media, Big Tech, academia, most doctors and most judges.

But the people are waking up.

While politicians, both Republican and Democrat, have done absolutely nothing to halt the slide into tyranny over the last two years, there have been courageous citizen leaders who have been stepping up around the world to organize protests, speak to independent news outlets like this one, and engage in righteous civil disobedience.

Rucker reminds us that these brave citizens have served to alert the sane majority of the world that we are not aloneWe are not crazy.

We are stronger than the politicians and the lying bureaucrats like Tony Fauci who operate under authority granted to them by we the people, authority that we can and will take away if they continue down the current path toward tyranny and the Great Reset.

One such leader, Rucker writes, is the Polish pastor, Artur Pawlowski.

During a recent protest march, Pawlowski recalled his experiences growing up in Poland as an example of what can happen when politicians engage in power-grabbing oppression against a people who have had enough.

What the pastor says in this video is remarkably similar to what I said last week in an article: Message to Ruling Elites: Your time is up, you no longer have the consent of the governed, you must resign from all positions of authority, now.

Take a look at the pastor’s stinging comments, given in the first 2 minutes of the video below.

“I have been telling you I grew up in Poland, and in 1980 Polish people got angry,” Pawlowski says. “And I saw the police officers running for their lives. The very people that were enslaving the population, the very people that were doing this great evil to Poles were on the run.

“They were so terrified I will never forget that,” Pawlowski continued. “Because there is more of us than of them, and they crossed the line. If I was a politician I would resign, while you still can, because we’re coming after you. And I’m not talking about with guns and the swords. I’m talking about justice. Real judges. Real courts. The court of the people. Just like it was done under the Solidarity movement in Poland.”


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Brannon Howse
WVW Broadcast Network


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