Breaching America: How Terrorists Are "Immigrating" Through Our Borders

Breaching <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />America: How Terrorists Are "Immigrating" Through Our Borders<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
Re: Irresponsible Leaders, Thus says the Lord:
"His Watchmen are blind; They are all ignorant; They are all dumb dogs; They cannot bark."  (Is 56:10)
I am linking you to the first of a very courageous and illuminating series of articles by Todd Bensman, a writer for the San Antonio Express-News
Perched on the Mexico – United States Border, Bensman has written a series called:
"Breaching America: The potential danger of illegal immigration from Islamic countries."  He has actually traveled to Syria and followed the route which TERRORISTS use to enter (be smuggled into) our country. 
Does anyone care?  President Bush?  Senators Kennedy and McCain?  Democrat/Republican Supporters of the Amnesty Bill? Major Media? 
Obviously not!  As you will see in Part 3 of this devastating report, Islamic terrorists from countries of "special interest" can follow the pipeline and cross our southern border with ease.
Below are excerpts from Bensman's introductory article.  Please click here to read the whole piece.  It is horrifying!
"Americans from San Antonio to Detroit might find themselves living among illegal immigrants from Islamic countries who have come to America with darker pursuits than escaping war or starting a new life."
"U.S.-bound illicit travel from Islamic countries, which started long before 9-11 and includes some reputed terrorists, has gained momentum and worried counterterrorism officials as smugglers exploit 2 million Iraq war refugees. The irony is that the war America started to make itself safer has forced more people regarded as security threats toward its borders."
"A stark reminder of U.S. vulnerability at home came this month when six foreign-born Muslims, three of whom had entered the country illegally, were arrested and accused of plotting to attack the Army's Fort Dix."
"Politically immigration can be a faceless issue. But beyond the rhetoric, the lives of real people hang in the balance. A relatively small but politically significant number are from Islamic countries, raising the specter, some officials say, of terrorists at the gate."
"The story of Boles' journey to America - born over a plate of tabouli, orchestrated by a polite smuggler and culminating with an early-morning river crossing at Los Indios - serves as a lens on the pipeline and raises worrisome questions."
"Who else besides Boles has crossed the Rio Grande, and with what intent?"

"Lord, the enemies of this country which You established are coming in like a flood.  Many of our leaders are 'dumb dogs', not true watchmen.  We fix our eyes on You, Lord, and cry for HELP.  Who have we but You?" (Ps 121:1-2; 124; Is 59:19; Ezek 33:7)


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