Breaking News: James White’s Islamic “Mentor” Yasir Qadhi Works With Muslim, Linda Sarsour, Who Just Called For Jihad Against President Donald Trump

Linda Sarsour calls for Muslims to wage ‘jihad’ against President Trump on June 30, 2017. This is super relevant because “minister” James White’s “mentor” Yasir Qadhi was also present at this conference.

If you are not familiar with James White and the Yasir-Qadhi interfaith dialogue that has become a story in both evangelical and secular news, then here is an article that will bring you up to speed: Click here to read the article

James White might say she's not practicing Islam, but she is.

Conservative Review reported:


Linda Sarsour, a Hamas-tied and prominent Women’s March leader, Islamic supremacist, and anti-Semite, has called for a “jihad” (Islamic holy war) against President Trump. Addressing the 54th Annual ISNA (Islamic Society of North America) Convention this past weekend, Sarsour delivered a 22-minute screed attacking the Trump administration and called on the Muslim community to unite against the White House.


Click here to watch the video


Yasir Qadhi & Linda Sarsour were together last week at the conference where she spoke of Jihad against President Trump according to Robert Spencer of 


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Here is a Yasir Qadhi Facebook posting about Linda Sarsour.

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Here is link to show Yasir Qadhi and Linda Sarsour speaking together in my hometown of Memphis:

Maybe the James White fanboys think the solution is to reach out to Linda Sarsour & hug it out in interfaith dialogue & common ground?

Evangelicals supporting White-Yasir sacrilege– I think you've betrayed the Word of God! Are you going to betray national security and law & order too?

A little research turns up a lot, but don't expect evangelical useful idiots & fanboys to do the homework we've done. Their club trumps truth.

Think about this folks. Linda Sarsour is at a conference on video calling for Jihad against President Trump. Apparently Yasir Qadhi was also at this conference where these comments were made. Yasir Qadhi and Sarsour are praising each other. They both work with CAIR which is a Muslim Brotherhood front group. 

We have so-called evangelicals and even the executive director of a Bible ministry defending in an aggressive manner the interfaith dialogue of James White with Jihadi Yasir Qadhi.

Will the evangelicals defending White now repent publicly? Will ministries and churches perform church discipline on those who have violated the Word of God in their defense of the White-Yasir interfaith dialogue for the spiritual and national security threat that it is? 

I believe the evangelicals who are supporting the White-Yasir sacrilege have betrayed the Word of God! Are they going to further betray national security and law & order too? Will they now denounce Yasir Qahdi and James White who elevated and gave credibility to Yasir Qadhi and his Muslim Brotherhood and their front group of CAIR? 

Here is more information for those that need to get up to speed:

Lots of Shocking Video Clips on This Topic

So-Called Conservative Christians Defending Spiritual Enterprise with Jihadi Imam (Program #1)


Minister James White Does Not Refute Jihadi Imam's Lies About Jesus in a Church But Invites Him To Make Video For Christians to Learn About Islam? (Program #2)


Facts Reveal James White Is an Islamic Dupe & Clueless Evangelicals Are Desperate to Save His Credibility


Did You Feel the Seismic Shift Within “Conservative” Evangelicalism?


Muslim Apologist in U.K. Begs Brannon Howse to Stop Exposing Their Islamic Dupe James White So Muslims Can Speak to Right Wing America & Christians


Will James White Fans Jettison Nazi History of Muslim Brotherhood That White's Imam Mentor Works With?


Former FBI Counter-Terrorism Expert Exposes James White's Jihadi Imam Mentor


URGENT. Please Read & Share!!!

Today is a very sobering and convicting broadcast as we hear testimonies about Christians in Egypt that were beaten, kidnapped, and tortured by Muslim Brotherhood simply for being Christians. You will hear an eyewitness report about men that were beheaded only after watching their daughters and wives being raped simply because they were Christians and refused to convert to Islam. You will hear how Christians have had their churches and homes burned down and destroyed simply because they refuse to convert to Islam. What must the Christians in Egypt think as they see on Youtube and other websites these so-called ministers, Christians, and churches in America hosting Muslims that work with the Muslim Brotherhood? What must they think as they hear so-called ministers speaking words of honor and praise to them? What must they think when parts of the so-called church in America are defending sitting with and giving honor to a Muslim Brotherhood representative when their family members have been beaten, tortured, raped, and killed by the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt? Today’s guest is Egyptian Usama Dakdok. You must listen and share this with all your friends and family so you might understand the real issues facing America and the church and what it will mean for the world if America embraces Islam and the Muslim Brotherhood.

Click Here to Listen Now


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Linda Sarsour

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