A brief conversation with a liberal democrat

By Shane Idleman
Recently, I asked a liberal democrat friend of mine a provoking question. The following emails have been edited in relation to grammar changes, and/or sentence structure, but not in content.
I WROTE: I hope that all is well. If you don't mind, I have a quick question. I don't want it to turn into a heated debate again; I just truly want to know your thoughts on this:
There are democratic legislators running for President, such as Hillary, Obama, etc. who 'openly' support partial-birth abortion, even when the life of the mother is not at risk. Partial-birth abortion is a process where an unborn, often healthy, baby's body is delivered feet first (often near full-term) until only the head remains inside the womb [The head remains in the womb so that it's not considered murder. Once a baby is delivered, his/her life cannot be terminated.] The physician then punctures the back of the child's skull with a sharp instrument and removes the child's brains before delivering the dead baby. The Supreme Court upheld the ban on this grizzly form of abortion (at the time of this writing), yet there are still those mentioned above who disagree with the Court's decision, and who want to allow partial birth abortion. This is all factual; there are no spins or slants to it.
Do you, and/or most Democrats still vote for these people because the Republican party is so despised among Democrats, or, on this, do you vote for principles rather than a particular party and protect the unborn? 

Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts on this. I'd truly like to know....Shane
HIS RESPONSE: I am strongly opposed to such procedures and would vehemently stand in opposition to such legislation no matter who ran the white house.  that being said, I would take up this issue separately.  meaning, if I look at platforms as a whole, I find more issues that I am aligned with in a democratic arena than a republican.  I would also take the time to look more closely at each candidates stance on such issues to find out for myself.  it would certainly play into the whole before I chose a democratic candidate.  So it's not that the republican party is "so despised," it's that this is one issue among thousands that beg investigation.
I hope this helps and I hope you're doing great! Talk with you soon...

MY RESPONSE: Just to clarify, most Democrats would put Obama in office regardless of his view on partial birth abortion, and regardless of the fact that he is going to push for laws that protect this horrific procedure, in order to have some of their other issues secured. Is that the gist of it?
If so, can you share a few of these other issues because I'd like to see what other issues come before protecting innocent life.
Again...I'm simply trying to understand this type of mindset.


HIS RESPONSE: well i certainly am not qualified to speak on the behalf of the democratic party or the majority of democratic voters, i can only share my views with you.   The two main points to me are the environment and the war.  I consider the earth and the animal kingdom a part of life (certainly "innocent" life) and therefore we as guardians should respect and protect.  if we continue to destroy our resources, the question of abortion will pale in comparison b/c we will be in a life or death battle to exist.  the war is also a huge part of it.  many innocent lives are being lost as a result but that rarely shows up on the republican radar. if the election was solely on the issue of abortion, i would favor a republican platform.  unfortunately, there are so many more issues we are basically forced to choose the lesser of two evils.  i personally don't know any democrats that support partial birth abortion but i understand that some do.  i think that's unfortunate for the party as a whole. again, i hope this helps and i'm happy that we can discuss such issues w/o egos or tempers flaring!
MY RESPONSE: Again, thank you for the response. So, if he or Hillary is elected, will I see you petitioning against partial birth abortion? J
As much as I do not like the war, before blaming Bush, I would blame Saddam Hussein who put his people in the throes of war. Our political system, ordained by God, oversees the affairs of men. The institution of government was created by God to govern man-to protect and defend, and to administer justice. This is why it's unwise to apply, as some do, many of Jesus' teachings, such as "turning the other cheek," to the institution of government. Contextually, Jesus was referring to personal affronts and insults, not to the administration of justice. Although we often fall short, one of the purposes of God-ordained government is to protect those who obey the law from those who break it. We are to defend the weak and the fatherless, maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed, and deliver them from the hand of the wicked (Psalm 82:3-4). And this sometimes refers to war. Although no one wants war, it may be necessary to restrain evil.

Although many protest war, very few speak out against abortion. The womb is no longer the safest place, but one of the most dangerous. What a travesty!
History, as well as the original intent of the Founders, does not allow us to separate God's Word from governing our nation. The Founders chose a republic over a democracy for this very reason. A democracy governs by direct vote of the majority of the people; principle-centered leadership governs a republic. Representatives in a republic vote and administrate according to unchanging biblical principles, not by feelings or opinions. Murder, stealing, lying, and so forth are always wrong regardless of how the majority may vote. This isn't a popular stance, or an easy one, but it's the right one! We need more people in leadership who recognize the urgent need to return to our founding principles. On certain issues, there is only one position-God's position. Vote for principles rather than a particular party! 
Shane can be reached at www.elpaseopublications.com), and [email protected].


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