Can Butts, Obama, Dybul and Rick Warren Save the World?

Can Butts, Obama, Dybul and Rick Warren Save the World? By Brannon Howse<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
Rick Warren's conference is this coming Friday, December 1st, 2006 at his church. To this day, I don't have a clue what Pastor Warren thinks can be accomplished by gathering together a group of non-believers that are hostile to Christianity to discuss the world's problems. Promotion of a social gospel will not save one soul.
As you know by now, Rick has invited United States Senator Barack Obama to speak at his church conference. Senator Obama is described by many as left of Hillary Clinton. Now that is really left. You are aware of Obama's radical support of abortion and same-sex marriage aren't you? 
Did you know that Rick will also have Mark Dybul at his conference? Ingrid Schlueter writing on her website  describes exactly who Mark Dybul is for those that may not know:
With his gay lover watching, Mark Dybul was recently sworn in by Condoleeza Rice as global AIDS coordinator. Here's the story from the Washington Blade of the swearing in ceremony where Dybul's gay lover Jason held the Bible while Dybul was sworn in as "Ambassador" to AIDS. Now Rick Warren thinks he has answers for Christians at his Global Summit on AIDS and the Church. It is the homosexual rebellion against God's Law that started the AIDS crisis in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />America over 20 years ago in San Fransisco. Here's another story about it from the New York times that further describes how gay compromised the Republican Party is at the highest levels.
But let's not stop here with Senator Obama and Mark Dybul. Rick has also invited Calvin Butts to speak at his conference.
Ingrid, being the great researcher that she is, brings us up to speed on the radical that is Mr. Calvin Butts:
During a 1995 visit by Castro to New York, politicians on both sides of the political aisle, from Bill Clinton to Rudy Giuliani, spurned the Cuban strongman. To remedy what he perceived as the injustice of the snub, Butts hosted Castro at his Abyssinian Baptist Church. Then, in front of a crowd of 1,300--among whose number were several Democratic New York politicians, such as representatives Charles Rangel, Jose Serrano, and Nydia Velazquez--Butts lavished praise on the honored guest saying:
"It is in our tradition to welcome all who are visionaries, revolutionaries and who seek the liberation of all people."
Do you think this conference could include someone that has praised the terrorist nation of Syria? Oh, I am sorry it does; Rick Warren himself who just a few weeks ago said:
"Syria's a place that has Muslims and Christians living together for 1,400 years. So it's a lot more peaceful, honestly, than a lot of other places because Christians were here first….In fact, you know Saul of Tarsus – Saul was a Syrian. St. Paul, on the road to Damascus, had his conversion experience and so Christians have been here the longest, and they get along with the Muslims and the Muslims get along with them. There's a lot less tension than in other places…It's a moderate country, and the official government rule and position is to not allow any extremism of any kind."
Hear Rick's remarks for yourself at:
Fact Check! Syria is a terrorist state and Christians and Jews are persecuted. Now back to our regular program.
Let's not forget that earlier this year Rick and some of his friends were pushing a global warming initiative that was being funded by no less than pro-homosexual, pro-abortion foundations.
Do you think Obama, Dybul and Butts will be seeking to discuss how one can apply a Biblical worldview to the issues facing our world? I can tell you right now that nothing of any Biblical value will come from Rick's conference and this is not my opinion but what I read in the Bible.
Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness? What accord has Christ with Belial?[a] Or what portion does a believer share with an unbeliever? --II Corinthians 6:13-14

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