Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Calls rioting and vandalism “Domestic Politics.”

Professor Carl Boggs admires Antonio Gramsci. As a socialist, Boggs understands that Gramsci’s idea of the communist revolutionary “process” depends on “the continuous and organic development of the … oppressed classes….” This development is driven by “novel forms of social participation” which gradually extend “the domain of egalitarianism, [and] non-bureaucratic [forms of] social authority….”

At present, Black Lives Matter functions as the “novel form of participation” for extending “the domain of egalitarianism.” The United States is now destabilized. The Communist game of divide-and-conquer has reached its mature stage. There is an ongoing breakdown of authority, an unserious attitude toward law and order, and a lapse of patriotism.

The death of George Floyd has been used as a catalyst. It was the kind of “event” for which the aforesaid revolutionary formation (Black Lives Matter) was created. Now, Black Lives Matter has become a power in its own right.

It is only the ignorance of the many, and the “fog of war,” that makes the casual observer dubious as to authorship of the present insurrection. For those who have not studied communist tactics, further shocks are in store. The existing political system failed to support the thin blue line, and that line is crumbling. The communists are winning.

To make matters worse, the generals of the U.S. military have signaled their neutrality. General Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, referred to the rioting and vandalism as “domestic politics.” Misrepresenting the Officer’s Oath as a commitment to egalitarian values, Milley ignored his duty to defend the Constitution against “all enemies, foreign and domestic.” As long as the nation’s enemies give lip service to egalitarianism, General Milley will not list them as enemies. Therefore, a green light has been given. The revolutionaries are free to commit any number of outrages.

Consider the 1,500 buildings damaged or destroyed in the Twin Cities area of Minnesota. America’s generals say this is a police matter — though the police in Minneapolis may soon be disbanded in favor of armed revolutionary gangs (i.e., community policing).

When Senator Tom Cotton wrote his Op-Ed in The New York Times on 3 June, he wrote, “The nation must restore order. The military stands ready.” But our military leaders were not ready. And the editors of The New York Times, criticized for publishing Cotton’s piece, begged pardon for indulging the Senator’s “harsh tone.” The editors objected to Cotton’s claim that “cadres of left-wing radicals” were behind the riots, the violence, the looting and burning of buildings. In fact, said The Times editors, “those allegations have not been substantiated and have been widely questioned.”

According to the paper’s editors, “The Op-Ed [of Senator Cotton] should have been subjected to further substantial revisions … or rejected.” It is a difficult job, indeed, to be an editor of The New York Times. Such an editor is able to substantiate that the sun is warm, that water is wet — but he is unable substantiate the presence of left-wing incendiaries and vandals behind left-wing political rhetoric and slogans. Was it laziness or incompetence that Times reporters hadn’t by then participated in left-activist group-phone calls about bolt cutters, gasoline cans and matches? (I know a conservative journalist who listened in on such calls.) And what is the theory of these journalistic geniuses? — That mobs of looters, in city after city, were summoned out of the night by political apathy?

The The New York Times’s denial of communist involvement in today’s revolutionary actions, is yet another dimension of the revolution. Here America’s “paper of record” is teaching the country how to be skeptical of capitalism — not communism. We are not allowed to blame the left. All blame is directed at systemic white racism; that is, the supposed racism of the capitalist system.

We are not allowed to say that a communist revolution has begun. We are not allowed to say that Marxist groups are engaged in a power grab; that they are using racial issues as camouflage, “extending the domain of egalitarianism”; that looting stores, beating white citizens and police officers has everything to do with communist supremacy (and nothing to do with good race relations).

For those who have studied communism, who have sat in communist meetings, the situation is perfectly obvious. Yet the mainstream media pretends there are no communists. They pretend the left is blameless. Our generals wink at the rioters. The President is opposed or mocked by governors and mayors. The communists are immune to counterattack because they have seized the egalitarian high ground of American politics. They have followed Gramsci’s method.

Communism’s overthrow of our culture was accelerated by the feminists, by the abortionists, by the mainstreaming of “illegal aliens,” by gay marriage, by sympathy for the transgendered. And now it advances as the enemy of the police and the champion of the African American. Each of these “causes,” one after the other, has been used to turn civilization’s extended flank. It is exactly as Boggs said: The Revolution is driven by “novel forms of social participation” which gradually extend “the domain of egalitarianism, [and] non-bureaucratic [forms of] social authority….”

Gramsci’s first priority,” wrote Boggs, “was the multidimensional transformation of civil society, which he considered the ultimate key to the ‘war of movement,’ since there … must be political hegemony even before the attainment of power.” And here we see how political hegemony prior to the seizure of power works in practice.

Yesterday I interviewed the famous talk radio caller, Jimmy from Brooklyn, who is an expert in communism. Explaining the meaning of Boggs’s book on Gramsci, Jimmy said, “Basically, the communists have to get large numbers of people on their side before they can seize power.”

According to Jimmy, a small Marxist cadre, lacking the support of numbers, would have to reeducate and also exterminate millions of people after taking power. It is therefore better to make unwitting Marxists out of nearly everyone in advance. If people from every walk of life have accepted leftist ideas, if they no longer understand or uphold the ideas of their forefathers, the Revolution advances without serious resistance.

The communists made a strategic decision, long ago, to champion the “cause” of women, blacks and other minorities. The whole idea is to carve out a majority in opposition to the “white patriarchy.” According to Jimmy, “It’s similar to how a pimp recruits a young girl. He sympathizes with her. He offers her help. He listens to her complaints about her father. Once she sees that his guidance is necessary, she begins to obey him. Soon enough she becomes a prostitute.”

“This is the real nature of community organizing,” said Jimmy. “They offer genuine help to people at the local level. But that help comes with a price.” Now they are offering an alternative order, without police. “In this process the communists are winning,” said Jimmy, “and the conservatives are too stupid to see it.”

To save the country we must begin to call things by their proper names. We cannot be afraid of the enemy’s egalitarian rhetoric. We must not allow them to intimidate us. We must take charge of our own language. We must name our enemy. We must identify the communists and expose their activity. If we fail to do this, we are lost.


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