The Chilling Truth about Global Warming: Reality Check #2

The Chilling Truth about Global Warming<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
Reality Check #2By Brannon S. Howswe
If you're beginning to get the idea that Global Warming as we know it is a myth, congratulations. But have you stopped to wonder who's behind all this myth-mongering?  There are three primary players:
1. Cosmic Humanists (New Agers). These folks believe in pantheism, that all is god and god is all and mother earth should be worshipped. Radical environmentalists and animal rights extremists--many of whom come from this group--place more value on the earth and animals than on humans.
2. Globalists and socialists. Globalists-many of whom haunt the United Nations--intend to erode <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />America's national sovereignty and create a one-world government. The United Nations' Global Warming treaty--the Kyoto Protocol--would seriously damage America's free enterprise system and yet it does not even apply to some of the world's biggest polluters such as China and India.
3. Scientists and think-tanks. You've heard the old saying, "follow the money"? When you follow the trail behind the GW myth, it leads you to "scientists" who are willing to say anything to keep government grant money flowing their way. Some studies place U.S. government spending on climate change as high as $4 billion dollars per year. Tom DeWeese, president of the American Policy Center, explains how this works in an article entitled "Fanatics, Heretics and the Truth about Global Warming":
Simply put, scientists know where the grants will come from to pay their salaries. Dr. Patrick Michaels, a leading opponent to the global warming scaremongers, calls it the federal/science paradigm. He describes it this way: Tax $ = Grants = Positive Feedback Loop to Get more Grants.
Says Dr. Michaels, "What worker bee scientist is going to write a proposal saying that global warming is exaggerated and he doesn't need the money? Certainly no one wanting advancement in the agency! There is no alternative to this process when paradigms complete with each other for finite funding." The only ones who can openly oppose the party line of the day are those who don't need the grants or who have some other source of funding. There aren't many[1].
DeWeese goes on to detail why there is so much money in the Global Warming racket:
The money is in global warming because it's being pushed by a political agenda that wants power. They want power in Washington, power on the international stage, power over economic development, power over international monetary decisions, and power over energy. In short, power over the motor world. It's driven by literally thousands of large and small non-governmental organizations (NGOs) sanctioned by the United Nations, and implemented by a horde of bureaucrats, university academics and an ignorant but pliable news media.[2]
The GW crowd has told us that manmade carbon dioxide is the reason for the supposed rise in global temperatures. However, Robert Essenhigh, professor of energy conservation at Ohio State University, gives the lie to their claim:
The two principled thermal-absorbing and thermal-emitting compounds in the atmosphere are water and carbon dioxide. However–and this point is continually missed–the ratio of water to carbon dioxide is something like 30-to-1 as an average value. At the top it is something like 100-to-1. This means that the carbon dioxide is simply 'noise' in the water concentration, and anything carbon dioxide could do, water has already done. So, if the carbon dioxide is increasing, is it the carbon dioxide driving the temperature or is the rising temperature driving up the carbon dioxide? In other words, the carbon dioxide issue is irrelevant to the debate over global warming.[3]  [emphasis mine]
As I've pointed out, the reality is that the temperature of the earth goes up and down in cycles. And the cause of the up-cycle is the sun. Perhaps we need legislation to control our big solar neighbor in the sky? You might note, too, that--according to Access to Energy--Mars, Jupiter, and Pluto are also warming up. It's doubtful U. S. companies have caused that.
Dr. Sallie Baliunas, an astrophysicist who serves as senior scientist at the George C. Marshall Institute in Washington D.C. and who chairs the Institute's Science Advisory Board, gave a lecture on February 12, 2008 at the University of Texas entitled, "Warming Up to the Truth: The Real Story About Climate Change." Dr. Baliunas says the warming and cooling of the earth is more related to solar variability than it is carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. In other words, the increase and decrease in solar output has led to the cyclical warming and cooling of the earth.[4]
So if you think the variation of temperature by a degree or two in one way or another is worthy of destroying America, free enterprise, and our national sovereignty, then hop on the band wagon. Otherwise, keep your cool, and don't buy the nonsense.

[1] Tom DeWeese, President of the American Policy Center wrote this in an article entitled Fanatics, heretics and the truth about Global Warming found at

[2] Ibid;.

[3] Tom DeWeese, President of the American Policy Center wrote this in an article entitled "Fanatics, Heretics and the Truth about Global Warming" found at

[4] Baliunas Says Global Warming Related to the Sun, found at:


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