Christian "Surge" Bringing Persecution

Christian "Surge" Bringing Persecution<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
"Remember those in prison as if you were their fellow prisoners, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering." (Heb 13:3)
There are several matters I want to bring to your attention:
1.      Christianity Finds a Fulcrum in Asia.  This article describes the explosion of evangelism and conversions in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />China.  It is a very exciting evaluation of what is taking place.  For example, the author believes "the world will change beyond our capacity to recognize it… Islam will crumble beneath the challenge from the East" (i.e., the Chinese Christians). 
Please read this breathtaking analysis of what we can look forward to. 
2.      China sweeping Christians out.  In contrast to the above, this article reports the Chinese government's decision to expel foreign Christians in advance of the Bejing Olympics in 2008.  It reports an "increase in arrests of Chinese house-church pastors and leaders who have been accused of being "suspects using evil cults!"  In fact, a "Christian was jailed for no more than walking near the construction site of a hotel being prepared for the 2008 events." 
We Christians in the West live so comfortably and have no idea how it is for Christians in the rest of the world and, in some cases, don't care!
Please take the time to read this very interesting report. 
3.      Testimony of Persecution in China.  Here is a story of one person (Ren Peipei) and what happened to her for "sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ."  Through what she experienced we get a glimpse of how violent and unjust the anti-Christ spirit is in overtly pagan countries. 
Please read her story and pray for her and millions of our brethren like her. 
4.      Voice of the Martyrs Update on Brethren Needing Prayer.  This worthy organization regularly updates a list of situations around the world which involves individuals, families, churches, etc. who are suffering terribly and need your fervent prayers.
You will find each story gripping and certainly worth your time in intercession.  You may want to bookmark this page and refer back to it often.  New information is provided there regularly.
There are many more such articles and stories.  In one sense, most are heartbreaking.  Yet, they are also exciting because they give us a picture of how vigorously God is at work worldwide and that REVIVAL is on the move, especially in less affluent and comfortable regions. 
Praise the Lord!  I hope you will use the information above to spring you and your friends into life and history – changing prayer.  

Earnestly Join Us in Prayer:
"Lord, we are amazed at what You are doing in Asia.  Yet, we are so grieved by the stories of terrible suffering.
"Please, Lord, breathe on the Revival taking place and enlarge its territory. But, we cry out for mercy and deliverance for Your children who are suffering so much.
"Also, Lord, we Repent for our indifference to this and ask You to awaken us to Prayer and Good Works.  In Jesus' Name."
Other Relevant Articles:
Missing Christian Girls Married Off To Muslims (Compass Direct News)
'Convert or die,' Christians told (

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