Christianity is Unfair...

Christianity is Unfair... –Ray Comfort<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

"Are you telling me that someone like Hitler could have repented and put his faith in Jesus just before he died, and got an instant ticket to Heaven? That's unfair!"Let's leave the extreme case of Hitler for a moment and look at the case of Joe Average. He is a normal re-blooded male. He lusts incessantly--at women on the street, at work, on billboards, in movies and on TV. However, every time he looks at a woman in such a way, he is committing adultery (see Matthew 5:27-28). It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that he has committed adultery in his heart tens of thousands of times. He lies regularly, takes things that don't belong to him, and he habitually uses God's name in vain. So, Joe Average truly has a "multitude" of sins that will come out as evidence of his guilt on Judgment Day. He has no justification. He knew it was wrong to lie and steal. He knew intuitively that God gave him life (see Romans 1:18-20), but instead of showing any gratitude, he used His holy name as a cuss-word to express disgust.Therefore Hell is where he should go, if God is "fair" and does that which is right and just. But God is "unfair." He offers Joe a complete pardon for his sins. Jesus paid his fine 2,000 years ago, and that means God (as Judge) can legally dismiss Joe's case upon his repentance and faith in Jesus and let him live. And what will happen to Hitler on Judgment Day? That is up to God. But whatever happens, you can be sure that justice will be done. In the meanwhile, make sure that your sins are forgiven through repentance and faith in Jesus. There is nothing more important.


The Absolute Proof

"I am still waiting on your definition of God, Ray." BeamStalkGod is the source of all life. He is eternal, omnipresent, and omniscient. He dwells everywhere and sees everything. As the life that motivates our bodies is invisible (and will leave at death), so God cannot be seen with the human eye. The Bible likens Him to the invisible wind (see John 3:8). He is nothing like man, but man (even in his "fallen" state) was made in the "likeness" of his Creator--he is separate from the animal kingdom in that he is a moral being. His conscience makes him morally responsible to God, and able to respond to Him. The professing atheist has a big problem. He maintains that he hasn't seen any evidence "for any gods." However, the Word of God says that his ignorance (ignore-ance) is willful. He intuitively knows that God exists because of the harmony in nature. He is "without excuse" (see Romans 1:20). The Christian on the other hand, has great advantage in the argument for God because what he maintains can be proven. The atheist cannot prove evolution. That has to be accepted by faith. Believers in the theory believe it's true because they believe data they have heard about to be true. However, God can be proven. Here is the proof: "The person who has My commands and keeps them is the one who [really] loves Me; and whoever [really] loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I [too] will love him and will show (reveal, manifest) Myself to him. [I will let Myself be clearly seen by him and make Myself real to him.]" (John 14:21--Amplified Bible).I have found the above to be true. The atheist hasn't. If he doesn't want absolute proof, that's up to him, but the consequences of refusal to obey the command to repent and trust in Christ will be the terrible justice of a holy God. I wouldn't want my worst enemy to have that. Please, search your motives and you will see that your ignorance is indeed "willful" (you don't want God to exist). Then repent and trust in Jesus Christ and get back to me when you know the Lord. Nothing would give me greater joy.

Spitting Image

"Isn't there just one punishment for all crimes? I thought you taught that your God was so perfect he saw all sin as the same regardless as to how small it may seem to us. If everyone in Hell is tortured for eternity, how is there a difference in punishment?" WolfgangLight travels 93 million miles to the earth from the surface of a massive and exploding* star. Although there are gravity and electromagnetic influences, it is generally believed that light travels in a straight line. An atheist doesn't know what created the light, but the Christian believes that God is its Creator. Whatever the case, light doesn't compromise. Every beam holds its integrity for an incredible 93,000,000 miles. The Bible reveals that light is just a creation of God, but His justice is part of His eternal character. However, they both have something in common. They both hold their integrity. The light of His absolute and uncompromising justice will penetrate right down to the dark thoughts of the human mind. What's more, the judgment that comes from such illumination with be "according to truth" (see Romans 2:2).While human laws vary when it comes to punishment--some are very lenient, and others for the same offence seem overly harsh, God's justice will be perfectly accurate for every transgressor of His moral Law. This is what the Bible calls "equity" (see Psalm 98:9, KJV). The murderer will get perfect justice. The rapist will receive exactly what is due. So will the adulterer, the fornicator, and those who violated God's Law in their thought-life (see Matthew 5:27-28).You and I can complain that such a high standard of judgment is unfair, but we might as well spit at the sun because we think it's too bright or too hot or we don't like the fact that it doesn't compromise. We may also complain about the eternality of Hell, but that will also be in vain. "Damned" means damned forever. There will be no escape once you find yourself in Hell. Time will be withdrawn and you will find yourself in eternity. Such thoughts horrify me, but not for myself. I'm horrified for you.Neither whining ("forever is too long") nor unbelief ("I don't believe in a god") will save a soul from the justice of Hell. The only thing that can deliver us from what we deserve is God's mercy (what we don't deserve), and He offers that to all humanity in the person of Jesus Christ. He will shelter all who repent and trust in Him from the perfect and uncompromising light of the justice of a holy God.* Thank you to those who have corrected me. I should have used the word "explosive."

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