Christians, Are You Grieved?

Christians, Are You Grieved?
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"Arise, cry out in the night, At the beginning of the watches;
Pour out your heart like water before the face of the Lord.
Lift your hands toward Him For the life of your young children,
Who faint from hunger at the head of every street." Lam 2:19
It grieves me to think about it.  As a child of World War II, I cannot bear what has happened to the country I was raised to love and honor.  We have been overtaken by three forces dangerous to the future of the United States of America. 
1.      The first reason I weep is embodied in Newt Gingrich's recent comments (click here; Suzanne Fields' column "Prophecies of Doom").
Suzanne, Newt, and Princeton scholar Bernard Lewis agree that Iran and Islamism pose such a threat that "Apocalypse now, on a worldwide scale, edges toward PROBABLE."(emphasis mine)
Suzanne quotes Presidential candidate Mitt Romney who calls Islamic jihad "the nightmare of the century".
Newt has, I believe, realistic fears that we "could lose two or three cities to nuclear weapons, or more than a million in biological weapons". (Newt is a very thoughtful geopolitical analyst whose analyses cannot be ignored.)
2.      What also causes me to weep and despair, however, is the attitude of our Elite politicians, media pundits, academicians, Hollywood types, leftist/socialist/anarchists, etc.  They are of at least two minds:
a.       They are ignorant, blinded and deceived; they believe the Islamic threat either does not exist or is certainly preferable to how they "suffer" under our historic Christian culture;
b.      Their hatred of President Bush drives them to oppose him, no matter what the cost (they seem to be ignorant of how the cost will eventually hurt them personally).
Thus, these people, who have the opportunity to educate and warn us about the dangers, are abdicating their responsibilities and are blindly conspiring with the enemy.  In doing so, they become the enemy as well.  They are traitors (1 Kg 16:20; 2 Tim 3:4)!
It's as if there is a Category 5 Hurricane bearing down on your house and the weather people are ABSOLUTELY SILENT about it; and when the devastation hits, they blame it on our wicked selfish culture, global warming, George Bush, and/or Fundamentalist Christians. 
3.      There are others who are silent because they, too, are very (Biblically) ignorant (Mt 22:29) and have become false prophets (Lam 2:14).
I'm talking about Christian clergy in general who cannot compute the relationship between Idolatry and National Judgment and are not WARNING about the dangers of Islamism. Shame upon them (Ezek 3:17; 33:6)!
So what do we do?  Is there any hope?  Well, the Bible states God would have spared Sodom if there had been at least ten righteous people in its midst.  Proportionally, there are probably that many praying weepers here in our midst. 
We need to cry out for MERCY! (Dan 9:9)
CRY OUT! CRY OUT! (Ex 1:23)
Your family, friends, locality and nation are at risk (Lam 2:19; 3:49-51)!
Harry Valentine, CHPA Founder/Publisher
EARNESTLY Join in Our Prayer!
·        "Lord, we are being misled by false prophets.  The enemy is coming in like a flood.  Turn us back to You and we will be restored (Is 59:19; Lam 5:21).  In the Name of Jesus, Amen!"

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