The Da Vinci Code, The Da Vinci Code!! By George Luechauer

The Da Vinci Code, The Da Vinci Code!!<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
By George Luechauer
            Sounds like something Chicken Little would say, doesn't it?  Once again, Christians are playing the role of the useful idiot to help promote another <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Hollywood movie.  Hollywood spends millions of dollars promoting their movies to increase the box office draw.  They thrive on the provocative.  It generates curiosity and curiosity sells tickets.  I'm sure some Hollywood executives are sitting around a boardroom smacking their lips about all of the free advertising that they're getting for the Da Vinci Code from the "Christian" community.  Don't believe me?  Just drive up and down the main highways and check all of the Church marquees.  Many of them have something on them about the Da Vinci Code.
            Why do Christians consider the Da Vinci Code such a threat?  The idea proposed by the Da Vinci Code (that Jesus is not God and that he did not rise from the dead) is as old as the Bible itself.  In the Gospels, the Pharisees arranged for the Roman guards to lie about the circumstances of the empty tomb.  All sorts of heretics have come and gone over the last two thousand years that denied the resurrection.  The Da Vinci Code is nothing new.  Even the secular world has debunked the accuracy of the Da Vinci Code.
            So what is the problem?  Have we forgotten that Jesus said: "I will build my Church and the gates of Hell will not prevail against it."  The Da Vinci Code is no threat to the Lord Jesus Christ.  Today's Church is so devoid of sound doctrinal teaching that most Church members think, that because of the Da Vinci Code; that-the sky is falling. 
            Within the next few weeks, most Churches will offer a class or course on the fallacies of the Da Vinci Code.  These courses will probably be well attended.  However, ask those same attendees to come to a rock solid, hard-core, no holds barred Bible study and you will get zip, nada, zilch for a response.  No wonder everyone is afraid that the sky is falling.  Christians neither spend the time and energy to get to know the one and only true Lord and Savior Jesus Christ through diligent Bible study nor subject themselves to expository Bible teaching/preaching from the pulpit.
            "Oh, but this movie will destroy my faith," some will say.  Faith comes by hearing the word.  If you are in the word, the Da Vinci Code has no power over you and will be no threat to your faith.
            "Oh, but this will be a wonderful witnessing opportunity," others will say.  If you are not witnessing now you will not witness because of the Da Vinci Code.
            Folks do what the Bible says-put on the armor of God.  Study that which is true and do not be distracted by all of the various means that Satan uses to generate doubt in God's word.  There will be more movies and more books unfriendly to the things of God.  Get yourself grounded in the word so that you can avoid being a useful idiot for the next Hollywood project that comes along.

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