DANGER: URGENT PRAYER NEEDED<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
TO FOIL <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />ANNAPOLIS MEETING
"I will bless those who bless you,
And I will curse him who curses you" (Gen 12:3a)
"Also I give to you and your descendants after you the land in which you are a stranger, all the land of Canaan, as an everlasting possession" (Gen 17:8)
There are many objections I have about President Bush's past decisions.  These include his immigration policies; his cozy appeasement of Mexico's Presidents; his refusal to pardon the two border agents (Ramos and Compean) whom his good Texas buddy and appointee U.S. Attorney Johnny Sutton arranged to have imprisoned in solitary confinement; supporting LOST (see www.rejectlost.com); signing the McCain-Feingold Finance Bill; holding Islamic Ramadan soirees in the White House and elsewhere; etc., etc.
[I want to establish that there are many things he has done for which I am very grateful – his support for innocent unborn babies and his stem cell policies, his tax policies, and his judicial nominees are major examples.]
However, he is embarking on this Israeli – Palestinian (so-called) "Peace Conference" in Annapolis, Maryland, on Tuesday, November 27.  The Iraq war notwithstanding, this effort to build himself (and Condoleezza Rice) a "legacy" could have very severe consequences for our nation. 
How can I say that?  Isn't "Peace" desirable?  Doesn't "the world community" (most of whom are cruel dictators, communists or socialists) yearn for this?  Most would answer "Yes".  But it is unattainable and, even worse, this specific "peace" effort goes directly against God's Prophetic Word about Israel. 
His Prophetic Word warns:
1.      Israel is "the apple of His eye;" woe to those who "touch" her for He will shake His Hand against them. (see Zech 2:8-9);
2.      He gave the land in question (especially Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria) to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as an everlasting covenant (what don't some people understand about "everlasting"?) [see Ps 105:9 and others];
3.      He warns "nations" not to "divide up my land" or face severe "judgment" (see Joel 3:2);
4.      He flatly states that ALL who seek to "heave it away" (i.e., remove the heavy burden of the Jerusalem crisis) will be utterly destroyed for getting involved; they will be "cut in pieces" (see Zech 12:3-9);
5.      He warns that "as you have done (to Israel) so it will be done to you" (Obed 15).
You may read these prophetic warnings with disbelief.  Please don't do so too hastily.  For years, we at the Capitol Hill Prayer Alert have been interacting with ministries which have been tracking the distinct relationship between ignoring God's warnings about dividing His covenant land of Israel and subsequent natural disasters which have devastated our nation (including Katrina, floods, earthquakes, wildfires, and stock market crashes).  One ministry we trust has "documented over 50 such correlations". 
Please click here and read: Burden for America by John McTernan
These ministries believe that, based on the Word of God and His Warnings, as well as the actual correlations they have seen, President Bush's attempt to force Israel to give up more land (remember Gaza!) will bring us under God's Wrath in greater intensity (they believe this could play out in our economy). 
I realize this will sound new and even strange to some, so here is a list of articles which explain the unrealistic natural and prophetic aspects of what is at stake here:
·         Israel's Latest Bout of Hopeful Insanity by Ben Shapiro
·         Another International Peace Conference:  What Will Be the Outcome? by Shira Sorko-Ram
·         A Divided Jerusalem by P. David Hornik
·         Staticidal Zealotry by Frank J. Gaffney Jr.
·         Selling Out Israel by Bits by Cal Thomas
·         Rice is Deceived by Palestinian Ruse Ahead of Peace Summit by Bill Wilson
·         Zechariah's warning to Bush and Condi by Hal Lindsey
·         Annapolis Blues by Daniel Pipes
·         The Lynching Date is Set by Jan Markell
As always, when the Middle East and especially Israel are involved, matters are unusually complex.  As your Watchman here in the D.C. area I am obligated to inform and warn you of impending danger.  Based on the Bible and my personal observations of Israel-issues, and ministries which specialize in them, I believe the above is true.  You will have to judge for yourselves. 
God be with you and our nation!  May HIS MERCY triumph over the judgment we deserve for so many terrible things we do (e.g., abortion, homosexuality and other gross perversions). 
How to PRAY:

  1. REPENT for our treatment of God's covenant land;
  2. PRAY that the Annapolis meeting WILL NOT TAKE PLACE and their plans will be FRUSTRATED! 
  3. May GOD'S WILL be done!  Not the devil's or any of the participants; only God's Will! 



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