Does God Care Who We Elect?

DOES GOD CARE ABOUT WHOM WE ELECT?<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
Dear Brethren:
This is a good question to ask as we approach the upcoming Elections. Does God really care about politics and government or, as some misguided Christians believe, is He ONLY concerned about souls, holiness, liturgies, etc.?
If God really does care who runs our various levels of government, then, as dedicated followers and participants in the Covenant, we MUST care, too.
So, let us examine some passages from the Bible to see what God REALLY has to say, (rather than rely on our own sometimes-faulty understandings).

  1. Joel <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />2:17 – Apparently God does not want barbarians and irreligious people ruling over us. What constitutes being a "barbarian" and "irreligious"? From God's perspective as laid out in Scripture, such people wantonly break and ignore His Ten Commandments. In the context of today's politics, this would include the agenda of the Liberal/Leftist/Socialist Elite cabal: abortion, homosexual matters, higher taxes, appeasement of national enemies, despotic governments, silencing of dissent (especially Christians), relativism (no right or wrong, no absolutes about good and evil or "morality"), humanism, etc.
  2. Proverbs 29:2 – God does NOT want the WICKED to rise to power anywhere ("wicked" meaning people hostile to God, His laws and His people); rather He wants RIGHTEOUS men and women ruling over us ("righteous" meaning people who are right with God in a spiritual sense); this could also include people who are Biblically-informed but not yet "saved" (e.g., Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin).
  3. Exodus 18:21-22a – The Lord established His criteria for all magistrates, high and low. They should be very competent, fear God and love His laws, and not be greedy for gain of any kind (political included).
  4. 2 Samuel 23:3b – What does it mean to be "just"? A just magistrate will be aware of God's Laws and Will and make decisions accordingly.
  5. Mark 10:42 – Jesus was not "diplomatic" in His unequivocal condemnation of tyrants, magistrates who "lord it over" people, oppressing them with "unrighteous decrees" and acting unjustly (see Is 10:1-2). Many Liberal/Leftist/Socialist Elites cannot wait to get that kind of power in order to oppress and punish those with whom they disagree.

I could quote well over 100 Scriptures that prove that God cares a great deal about whom we elect to be rulers and magistrates. (In fact, if you can find one disproving it, please let me know).
God cares that you vote and for whom you vote! Please pick candidates who will please the Lord by their policies, votes and behavior (character and integrity are very important). Your vote matters, especially to God! "How could that be?" you ask. It shows where your heart is – with Him or against Him. It matters to Him that we choose righteous or Biblically-influenced people to rule over this nation that He created and loves
Your concerned and praying Watchman in D.C.,
Harry Valentine, CHPA Founder/Publisher                            
Please Join Us in Fervent Prayer:
·        Lord of the Whole Universe, Please FORGIVE our sin of apathy. Cause Your people to VOTE in the upcoming Elections.
·        Lord, MOVE on behalf of those Candidates who honor You and Your Laws and Your Will. GRANT them Victory. In the Name of Jesus, AMEN! (Ps 1:5-6; 5:12; 7:9-11; 11: all; 31:18-20; 34:15-19; 37:28-37; Pr 24:11-12; Jn 10:10)

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