Ebola, Political Correctness, Feminism, and the Secret Service

Topics: Ebola, Political Correctness, Feminism, and the Secret Service Topic: Why Brannon thinks Texas should not worry about Ebola since Governor Perry has connections to some of the Word of Faith and New Apostolic Reformation leaders that... attended his 2011 prayer rally that claim they can command sickness to be gone and heal the sick. After all, Texas is the home of Cindy Jacobs, John Hagee, Kenneth Copeland, Joel Osteen, Robert Morris, a TBN studio, and Daystar just to name a few.Topic: Brannon explains why he believes the feminism of Cultural Marxism (political correctness) has put the Secret Service and America at risk. Did you notice the media is ignoring that the fence jumper got by a female agent because she could not wrestle him to the ground? Topic: Washington Post reports that female Secret Service Director declared that she wanted the agency to be more like Disney World by being inviting and friendly. The female director also wanted counterassault team members to hide their guns. Why feminism and political correctness is destroying the Secret Service and America. Topic: How political correctness could lead to the spread of Ebola in America.Topic: Why the Ebola debacle in America and the Secret Service debacle all point to what is described in Romans 1. Topic: How might terrorists use Ebola as a weapon to kill untold numbers of Americans? Topic: Why you cannot trust the government when it comes to the economy, national security, or Ebola. Topic: We take your calls. Click here to listen now before this program rolls into the Situation Room:http://worldviewweekend.com/radio/audio/brannon-howse-aired-october-2-2014 See More


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