Elite Leaders: "Masters of the Universe"?

Elite Leaders: "Masters of the Universe"?<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
"But Jesus called them to Himself and said to them, 'You know that those who are considered rulers over the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones exercise authority over them.'" (Mk 10:42)
"Revive us, O God; make your face shine upon us, that we may be saved." (Ps 80:3)
The quote in the title above came from the lips of Sen. Jeff Sessions (R., AL) during the run-up to the final vote on the Immigration bill which recently went down to an ignominious defeat.  Sen. Sessions was referring to the high-handed, sleazy (my word, not his), superior perspective of those in charge of the procedures and the "debate" surrounding this contentious legislation (Senate co-conspirators had vigorously tried to ram this through with very limited and prejudged "debate"). 
But, isn't this what we can expect from elected and pagan political "Leaders" as well as major players in the media, entertainment and education Elites?  Don't they believe that "they know best" and the average people are simpletons who (in democracies) have to be tolerated or in tyrannies (the majority of countries) are ignored, jailed, silenced or killed? 
Here are a few excerpts about this topic:
"As with the hubristic bureaucrats now running the EU, many British politicians see themselves as superior to the electorate" (Emmett Tyrrell Jr., 7/13/07).  [May I add that the UN people have the same attitude];
Mark Steyn refers to these Senate "Leaders" (of both parties) as "Emirs-for-life" who regarded the citizens who objected to the Immigration bill as "impertinent whippersnappers" (7/2/07);
Rich Lowry noted that Sens. Trent Lott (R., Ms) and George Voinovich (R., Oh) reacted with "off-putting imperial pique" because people called their offices in opposition to the bill (6/29/07);    
Thomas Sowell writes that "the elitists who wanted to rush the Immigration bill through Congress "are now telling us with great condescension how foolish we were."  He contends the "elites are continuing to insult people's intelligence after being defeated." (7/12/07);
The Washington Post's David Broder (a major Elite player in D.C.) believes there's too much democracy out there and calls the defeat of the Immigration bill "mob rule" and Washington is "altogether too responsive to public opinion." (7/5/07);
Sen. Jim DeMint (R., S.C.) declares that when the "Leaders" brought this bill forward, "they declared war on the American people." (see Robert Novak, 7/3/07);
 Paul Craig Roberts reports that "democracy is out of favor throughout the Western world.  In the UK and Europe, peoples are being forced, despite their expressed oppositions, into an EU identity that they reject… (the elites) have decided on their own that the people do not know best and will be ignored" (6/18/07).  [I might add our own American Elites are trying to force us into subservience to UN rule and a North American Union* with Mexico and Canada, one very similar to the EU.]
I could continue with more quotes, but you get the idea.  Perhaps the most obvious Elitist plot here in the USA is their looming attempt to SILENCE ALL DISSENT by shutting down TALK RADIO by way of reestablishing the so-called "Fairness Doctrine."  I have heard it said that if this ever happens, we can expect DECADES of ever-increasing tyranny and the purposeful annihilation of our Judeo-Christian culture.  That sounds "alarmist."  It is!  (See these links):
            Why the Fairness Doctrine is Anything But Fair by Adam Thierer
            Plan to Restore Fairness Doctrine Still on Track, Analyst Says by Randy Hall
Democrats Look To Silence Conservative Talk Radio and Christian Radio: Not Fair At All by Gary Bauer
So, what can we do? 

  1. Be alerted!  Be men and women of Issachar (I Chron 12:32);
  2. Elect people opposed to this destruction of our God-given rights;
  3. PRAY for REVIVAL!  Pray for the Church to reawaken to its responsibility to defend our rights (see Neh 4:14).


Join Us in Prayer:
"Lord, You warned us that leaders will try to lord it over us.  It's happening!  Help, Lord, our foundations are being destroyed.  Revival is a MUST!  Can we have one more chance? (see Ps 11:3; 80:3; Mk 10:42) In Jesus' Name, Amen!"
* For information regarding the North American Union which is secretly already underway, see these links:
Goodbye America, Hello North American Union by Alan Caruba
Building a North American Community by the Independent Task Force on the Future of <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />North America
Feds finally release info on 'superstate' by World Net Daily
Building a North American community, the selling of America by Deanna Spingola
Superhighway 'security' benefits questioned by World Net Daily

Task force urges 'North American Community' by Terry Weber

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