Entertainment-what we embrace eventually embraces us

Entertainment-what we embrace eventually embraces us<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
By Shane Idleman
Our thoughts become words, our words become actions, our actions become habits. Who is shaping your thoughts? A daily diet of violence, lust, anger, and depression will fuel those very things in your life. One of the reasons why men and women struggle with lust or anger is because they feed those emotions continually throughout the day. It's difficult to avoid premarital sex and outbursts of anger while continually watching movies and TV programs that promote them. As a matter of fact, many cases of sexual violence can be traced directly back to pornography. What we embrace eventually embraces us. "The more we follow that which is good, the faster and the further we shall flee from that which is evil" (Matthew Henry).
Some may say that being cautious with what we view and listen to borders on legalism (e.g., performance-based religion). Although it can when taken to extremes, I disagree. Entertainment is not merely entertainment; depending on how it's used, it can be a very destructive influence. The Bible reveals that the devil is the prince of this world (Ephesians 2:2); therefore, you should pay close attention to what you watch and listen to-the force controlling it ultimately controls you. Romans 8:6 (NLT) states, "If your sinful nature controls your mind, there is death. But if the Holy Spirit controls your mind, there is life and peace." With God's help, you'll begin to control your thoughts instead of allowing your thoughts to control you.
For those who are skeptical about the media's influence, consider why companies spend millions of dollars on commercials. They obviously understand the concept of "suggestive selling." In the end, the choice is yours when it comes to what you watch and listen to, but why would you willingly walk into the enemy's camp? Why would you feed wrong desires and thoughts when they do nothing but war against the soul? If you're questioning God's existence, experiencing violent bursts of anger, severely struggling with an addiction or lust, or continually feeling depressed or discouraged, evaluate your mental diet of television, movies, the Internet, music, friends, and your thoughts in general. Are they lifting you up, or pulling you down? There is no middle ground-you're being influenced one way or the other. Are there any changes that need to be made in your life? If so, this is where you start to win the battle within. Begin your day by reading the Bible instead of watching television. While driving, try listening to thought-provoking sermons or praise and worship music. In the evenings, try praying and reading instead of browsing the Internet or watching television. Although this position may seem radical or extreme, we are living in extreme times. Our adversary never sleeps nor slumbers; his goal is to destroy our testimony, our character, and our soul if he can.
Being tempted isn't sin-surrendering to it is. Temptation is also an opportunity to do what is right by turning from it. I Corinthians 10:13 states, "No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it." The door of temptation swings both ways-you can enter or exit. The key is to make choices that promote spiritual victory, not defeat.
To be honest, I once considered those who chose not to watch certain movies and television programs, or listen to certain music as fanatical or overly enthusiastic, even weird. I now realize that if I don't control my desires, my desires will control me-right thinking creates right doing. Years ago, after I recommitted my life to Christ, my craving for alcohol greatly increased at certain times. A week or two would pass and the desire to drink would again surface; sometimes I gave in to the desire. I quickly noted that every time I watched certain television programs, listened to suggestive music, and associated with the wrong crowd (a major trap), the desire to drink would increase significantly. I was convinced that if I wanted a healthy and fulfilling spiritual life, I would have to choose my mental food, as well as my friends, wisely. We'll never be completely free from wrong desires; there is a constant struggle to resist temptation, but, as we discussed earlier, there's a clear difference between a struggle and a lifestyle. Even Christ was tempted, but he was not drawn away by sin. God's Word anchored Him, and it will anchor us as we encounter the battles ahead.This excerpt was taken from What Works for Young Adults-Solid Choices In Unstable Times, © 2007 by El Paseo Publications. This book can be ordered at www.elpaseopublications.com); Shane can be reached @ [email protected].


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