Explain Something To Me

Explain Something To Me<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
Paul Shelby Lewis
Sooner than we realize, we will be in the midst of electing, first, our candidates for President of the United States, and then the POTUS himself or (deep, deep breath) herself.  The primary process in this country has always proved to bring about affairs both curious and astounding.  This year's growing excitement among Republicans-and more specifically, Christians-over the possibility of Mike Huckabee as candidate is one such affair.
Yes, Mr. Huckabee is a self-proclaimed Christian.  Wow, a Christian candidate who stands a chance.  He is also pro-life and pro-gun.  Those three points aside, Mr. Huckabee leaves much to be desired.  Concerning taxes, his record in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Arkansas would suggest that his statements about keeping taxes minimal are not well rooted in his history as Governor.  Also, with the furor that has arisen over illegal immigration, he has come out strong against the current state of our immigration policy (or lack thereof).  But do not forget that Mr. Huckabee also challenged the Christian ethics of a man within the Arkansas Legislature for sponsoring legislation that would, among other things, forbid voting rights and public assistance to illegal immigrants; and last time I checked, forbidding non-citizens from voting is the law in most states, countries, and democratic planets in the Milky Way.   How exactly does obeying the law fall outside the realm of what one consider a Christian ethic?  Again, why the excitement? 
Hopefully we are not all being sucked into the Huckabee-vortex simply because he likes to make reference to God as Creator and man as being made in the image of God.  Certainly, that is important and will shape much of His policy, but let's remember that President Bush was elected for largely this reason, and our borders now look as resilient as lines on an etch-a-sketch. 
How, one wonders, does Mr. Huckabee bring such a gleam to conservative eyes, when someone like Ron Paul, who's conservative record is rather stellar, gets shunned and mocked by most conservative media.  [Before I get accused of joining the Ron Paul fan club, let me be clear that I have no intention of voting for the man.  My point is only to show that he who gets love from conservatives deserves the term much less than the one being publicly ambushed at every turn.  At this point though, less there be a drastic change in the candidate make-up, I firmly believe that my best option come the North Carolina Republican Primary is to take up the long lost art of under-water basket weaving]. 
Ron Paul is known, primarily, for his stance against the war (he has been steadfast in his opposition), but most do not have a clue about two of the main reasons for his opposition; Congress never made a declaration of war, and we justified our going into Iraq because of a resolution made wholly outside of the authority of the United States.  According to those two premises, Paul believes we are in Iraq in violation of the constitution, and we have sacrificed our national sovereignty by submitting to the authority of the United Nations (both conservative points).
When one compares his record on abortion (he has sponsored a bill that would undercut the federal court's ability to overturn state legislation banning abortion), property rights, debt control (return to the gold standard and greatly reduce inflation), taxes, education (with very little qualification, he wants to return control to the parents and be rid of the hands of big government), the second amendment, and border security (unlike Mr. Huckabee, he has been resolute in seeking to close the borders and end the rewarding of illegal immigration) to that of Mr. Huckabee, it should cause each of us to wonder weather the stones are being thrown in the right direction.


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