Focus on the Family Says They Won't Oppose Gay nominee for the U.S. Supreme Court

Brannon Howse, with, called Focus on the Family and personally talked with Bruce Hausknecht about his comments in this article. Bruce confirmed that all his quotes in this article are accurate.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
The Plum Line Greg Sargent's blog

Top Religious Right Group: We Won't Oppose Gay SCOTUS Pick

In a move that will surprise gay activists and liberals, a spokesperson for Focus on the Family, a top religious right group, tells me that his organization has no problem with GOP Senator Jeff Sessions' claim today that he's open to a Supreme Court nominee with "gay tendencies."
The spokesperson confirms the group won't oppose a gay SCOTUS nominee over sexual orientation.
"We agree with Senator Sessions," Bruce Hausknecht, a spokesperson for Focus on the Family, which was founded by top religious right figure James Dobson, told me a few minutes ago. "The issue is not their sexual orientation. It's whether they are a good judge or not."
Their sexual orientation "should never come up," he continued. "It's not even pertinent to the equation."
Gay activists had expected that the group would oppose an openly gay nominee, since the group has been an outspoken foe of gay marriage and has worked to convert gays to heterosexuality.
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 What would our Founders say about this issue?
Read these two articles for the answer:Article #1:
Article #2


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