Former CIA Officers Lopez & Pry on Iranian Threats & Retaliation on U.S.

Worldview Radio: Guest: Former CIA Operations Officer, Clare Lopez and Former CIA Analyst, Dr. Peter Pry. Topic: The Drudge Report headline questions the possibility of Iranian terror cells in the US, cyber hacking and even World War III as a result of America killing Iranian General Soleimani. These are the exact topics covered in Siege, the docuMovie, that is produced by Brannon and that came out in December of 2019. Pry and Lopez reveal that the elimination of Soleimani is good news, but Americans must understand the extreme danger to the lower-48 from Iran’s terror cells, a possible EMP attack from an Iranian Shahab-3 missile off the coast, or their ability to use cyber warfare to attack America’s critical infrastructure. Dr. Pry explains why President Trump must be careful to not let the Deep State in the intelligence community walk him into a war in order to defeat his re-election in 2020. Dr. Pry and Clare discuss the one million man army of Iran and their Islamic Revolutionary Guard when all the full time and reserve forces are added up. Clare reminds the American people that Iran worked with Saudi Arabia to carry out the 9-11 attacks. Dr. Pry discusses the likelihood that Iranian special forces were behind the attack on a power substation in Southern California in April of 2013 and what this really means for Americans. Dr. Pry and Clare explain why they believe Iran will strike again and how they are motivated by their end time beliefs.
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