Gay marriage debate offends homosexuals

Gay marriage debate offends homosexuals<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
Judicial activism strikes again. The people of <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />New Jersey will be forced to embrace gay marriage. It's only a matter of time. Where are the thinking people in this national discussion?! Much of current analysis of gay marriage is based on a faulty, superficial and offensive premise. It is faulty because it wrongly equates chosen lifestyles with unchangeable realities like race and gender. It is superficial because it glosses over the historic understanding of marriage as inconsequential to the health and well-being of society. It is even more superficial in its failure to include the statistical data regarding the negative health effects of homosexual lifestyles. It is offensive to actual minority groups and, in the final analysis, to those who struggle to be free from bondage to homosexual behavior.
Those who support gay marriage often work off the assumption that one is "born gay" and cannot change. Is this a wrong assumption? Ask those who once practiced the homosexual lifestyle but are now free from it. If being born gay is as real as being born African American, laws must protect homosexuals from discrimination. Wrongful discrimination (in actual civil rights cases) injures people for what they are by nature. If, on the other hand, homosexuality is a chosen lifestyle, discrimination laws should not be applied. Obviously, we cannot make special laws to protect people's sexual preferences.
We have laws to protect human rights for all people but activist homosexuals want special laws-to protect their way of life. Let's not play into their hands. If we start protecting sexual preferences from discrimination, we'll find ourselves on a slippery slope. Others will surely demand special protection and provisions for their sexual preferences. Where will we draw the line? On what basis will we decide that some sexual preferences should be endorsed and defended by the state and others rejected?
In the final analysis, homosexuality is a behavior people choose. Two men could live together and deeply care for each other without being homosexual. Homosexuality only becomes part of the equation when they commit sexual acts with each other. As a result, "homosexual" refers not to one's disposition or desire but to one's behavior.
How then is the pro-gay marriage position offensive to homosexuals? After years of counseling, I am convinced that those who practice homosexual behavior do not genuinely accept that they were meant to live this lifestyle. I am not fooled by the voices of radical homosexual activists. If they were honest, they would admit that their efforts are merely a cover up for their frustrations, resentment and despair. Deep down inside, they know that changes in legislation or public opinion will not remove the agony they feel. The homosexual lifestyle robs people of both dignity and freedom. Court decisions and marriage licenses will not give these people the dignity or freedom they desire.
Steve CornellSenior Pastor Millersville Bible Church58 West Frederick StreetMillersville, PA. 17551717-872-4260 office  


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