A BRIEF COMMENT ON THE GAY MARRIAGE VOTE IN MASSACHUSETTS: A TACTICAL VICTORY BUT A STRATEGIC DEFEAT By David W. New, Esq.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
     On June 14, 2007, the Massachusetts Legislature voted not to allow the gay marriage amendment to proceed. The gay marriage amendment, which was supported by pro family groups, would have allowed the voters an opportunity to decide whether gay marriage will be permitted in Massachusetts. The supporters of the amendment needed 50 votes out of a possible 201 votes for the amendment to pass and to be placed on the 2008 ballot. Sadly, the amendment received only 45 votes. Consequently, gay marriage will continue to be legal in Massachusetts. If another effort by pro family groups is made, the earliest date the voters could decide the issue will be 2012.
     The June 14th vote was a tactical victory for radical homosexual activists. However, it was a strategic defeat as well.
     You will recall that homosexuals gained the right to marry solely because the members of the Massachusetts Supreme Court abused their power. They forced same sex marriage on the people by judicial decree. It is impossible to believe that the Massachusetts Constitution, which was written in 1780 by John Adams, actually protects same sex marriage.
     What the supporters of same sex marriage badly need is a chance to prove that their cause has popular support with the people. The vote on June 14 precluded this from happening. Gay marriage supporters would have been in a much better position had the amendment gone forward and been defeated by the voters in 2008. Now, this will not happen.
     Some polls indicate that if the gay marriage amendment had gone before the voters it would have been defeated. Massachusetts is probably the only state which would have voted to keep same sex marriage. Thus, homosexual activists actually lost an opportunity to prove that their radical agenda has popular support. In this sense, the June 14th vote was a strategic defeat for them. They foolishly wasted an opportunity. The public perception will continue to be that same sex marriage exists in the Bay State solely because of an abuse of power by the courts, which of course is the truth.
     In any case, the homosexual lifestyle is a diseased-based lifestyle. The number of diseases a person can acquire from anal sex and other forms of deviate behavior is incredible. What America needs are strong families, which is something 'gay marriage' can never provide. American children need a father and a mother. Our public policy should be directed toward that goal. The traditional family is good for America and good for America's future. Let us continue to work for strong families in every community.


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