Glenn Beck's Divine Destiny: Live Blog & Commentary: Final Update

UPDATE 2 (6:39 PM CST): A black gospel group is singing "How Great is Our God". David Barton announced that prayer was held before the rally with Beck and leaders from all branches. All branches of "what" he did not say. The announcer considers this "A United Nations of Faith" with Baptists, Pentecostals, and Mormons or a "Family Reunion"
Glenn Beck is hosting his Divine Destiny program tonight at the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts Center which will feature a huge number of evangelical preachers from around the country. Beck is also expected to announce a special guest for tomorrow's Restoring Honor Rally. Among the possibilities are Andrae Crouch, T D Jakes, Billy Graham, Rick Warren, Joel Osteen, or James Dobson.
Beck has also been raising money for the Special Operations Warrior Foundation. The rally will be patriotic and also features Sarah Palin, Alveda King (niece of slain civil rights leader, Martin Luther King), David Barton. Beck has taken a lot of heat for having the event on the anniversary of the MLK "I Have a Dream" speech and at the same location in Washingrton DC. Al Sharpton is hosting a smaller rally tomorrow across town to hnor King.
We will offer a first on Caffeinated Thoughts: Live Blogging.
Thought for the day: If this is not an opportunity for Mormon evangelism, why has Beck gone out on a limb and featured segments on history that support Mormonism and are completely contrary to the facts of history.
Last week he featured an attack on Trinitarian Christian by claiming that the Dead Sea Scrolls were written by people fleeing the persecution of the Church after they wrote the Nicene Creed. He is off by about 250 years, the Essenes were gone that long before the Creed was even written.
Several weeks he ago he claimed there was a lost civilization found in St. Louis and other parts of this country. No reputable archeologists or anthropologists support this notion but it fits the Mormon idea that Jesus visited America to preach to the Jews (Indian, Native Americans) that lived here at the time.
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