Globalism and the New World Order

Globalism and the <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />New World Order<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
Kerby Anderson
            The desire to control world events and to bring all the nations of the world together is not a new idea.  Dictators, military leaders, and internationalists have tried to do this for centuries.  But events in this first decade of the 21st century are making these dreams reality.
            Globalism is the belief that events in one country cannot be separated from another and that the world is moving toward a form of government and economics that transcends traditional nation-states.  A small but powerful group of internationalists have been working for decades to bring various aspects of our society under one, universal system.
            The forums for these discussions have usually been at United Nations conference or UN-related events.  Some of the most prominent UN conferences have taken place in such places as Cairo, Egypt; Istanbul, Turkey; or Beijing, China.
            Another important venue for these discussions has been the Group of Eight Summit meetings.  The Group of Eight began as the Group of Six in 1973 (U.S., Japan, Germany, France, Britain, and Italy).  They became the Group of Seven-G7 when Canada joined several years later.  Now they are called the Group of Eight-G8 when Russia became a partner in 2002.
New World Order
            The term "new world order" has been used by leading establishment media and think tanks for decades. These groups advocate a world government, a merging of national entities into an international organization that centralizes political, economic, and cultural spheres into a global network.
            Those promoting this idea of a new world order are a diverse group. They include various political groups, such as the Club of Rome, the Council on Foreign Relations, and the Trilateral Commission. Foreign policy groups, secret societies, and international bankers have also promoted the concept.
            Historically, internationalists have used the term to describe their desire to unite the world politically, economically, and culturally, and it is hardly a recent phenomenon. After World War I, President Woodrow Wilson pushed for the world's first international governmental agency: the League of Nations. Yet despite his vigorous attempt to win approval, he failed to get the United States to join the League of Nations.
            But by the end of World War II, the world seemed much more willing to experiment with at least a limited form of world government through the United Nations. President Harry Truman signed the United Nations Charter in 1945, and a year later John D. Rockefeller, Jr., gave the U.N. the money to purchase the eighteen acres along the East River in New York City where the U.N. building sits today.
            Although the U.N. has not provided internationalists with much of a forum for international change, that does not mean they have not been making progress in their desire to unite the world. Through political deals and treaties of economic cooperation, internationalists have been able to achieve many of their goals.
            The term "new world order" gained common prominence when former President George H.W. Bush delivered his September 1990 speech to a joint session of Congress when he referred four times to a new world order.
            Former President Bill Clinton proposed a variation of this idea. He described it as global multilateralism. When the Clinton foreign policy team took office, they wanted to extend President Bush's ideal of a new world order. Dedicated to the rapid expansion of U.N.-sponsored "peace keeping operations," the Clinton team began developing agreements to deploy American troops to hot spots around the globe.
Global Taxes and National Sovereignty
            Joan Veon has been a correspondent for the USA Radio Network at various UN conferences and G8summit meetings.  She says one topic that has surfaced in both venues is the idea of a global tax.  It has often been called the Tobin tax in honor of the late Yale University economist James Tobin. The target is the more than one trillion dollars per day being exchanged as currencies around the world. Revenue from even a small Tobin tax is estimated to be in the trillions of dollars per year.
            Proponents of the tax warn others not to call it a "global tax" for fear that will adversely affect its likelihood of being implemented. Many UN leaders hope that in the next few years they will be able to implement this global tax so they can free the UN of U.S. influence and enact their radical global agenda.
            The tax would also remove the UN's dependence on sovereign nations. No longer would the United States or other countries have a check and balance against an international organization. The UN could pay for its activities, fund UN peacekeeping forces, and conduct many of its affairs independently of the United States.
            Joan Veon also reports that there has been discussion at the 2000 UN Millennium Summit and at the recent G8 summit of creating a "global rapid deployment force."  Current plans are for the creation and equipping of 42,000 soldiers to provide a peacekeeping force in Africa.
            We must challenge the goals and vision of globalists. In an effort to unite all peoples under a one-world government, one-world economic system, and one-world religion. We, therefore, must be willing and able to meet the challenge.
            First, we must become informed. Fortunately a number of books have been written which provide accurate information about the goals and strategy of globalism.  Second, find out if globalism is already being taught in your school system. Third, express your concerns to educators and leaders in your community. Often educators teaching globalism are unaware of the implications of their teaching.
            Finally, I believe we should question the current interest many of our leaders have in developing a new world order. What are our leaders calling for us to do? Are they proposing that the United States give up its national sovereignty? Will we soon be following the dictates of the U.N. Charter rather than the U.S. Constitution?
            These are questions we should all be asking our leaders, especially during an election year. What role will the United States play? Aren't we merely being moved towards the globalists' goal of a one-world government, a one-world economy, and a one-world religion? Congress and the President need to know that you have questions about current attempts to move us into a new world order.
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