God's Behavior

God's Behavior -- Ray Comfort<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
"But how do you know that you're saved Ray. Looking at God's behaviour in the bible, it wouldn't be the first time that he's changed the deal. He might just change his mind the second after you've died and decide to throw you in Hell just because he could. If there were a God, especially your God, I wouldn't trust him." Andy DucheminThe Christian knows that he is "saved" because God has written His Law upon his heart. That is the biblical way of saying that God made him completely new on the inside, through the experience of the new birth. This isn't a change of mind, or a change of heart, or a new way of living. It is the radical experience of being made a brand new person--someone who didn't think about God for a moment, to someone who loves God with all of his heart' and this can only come through repentance and faith in Jesus. The unseen Creator of the universe gives the sinner His Holy Spirit, forgives all of his sins, gives him new desires, and "seals" him as one of His. If I was to ask you the question, "How do you know that you are alive?" how would you answer? You would probably say that you are conscious of that which is around you. You can see, touch, taste, smell and hear. You feel. You have emotions and appetites. You experience life. Yet all those evidences are subjective. Your life may be a dream, or you may be delusional. Still, they are the most compelling evidences you have. The same applies to my life in Christ. You can shoot it down as being subjective, however, I have some sweet icing on the cake of subjectivity. It's God's Word. The Bible is more than an historical book. It's a book that gives me the written promises of the Creator. It tells me that it is impossible for God to lie. I believe that. You don't. Neither do you trust God. I do. I trust Him because I know Him. You don't, because you refuse to know Him. That's your choice, but it will tragically be to your eternal detriment. For the Piranha Bowl: http://www.youtube.com/user/thewayofthemaster?blend=3&ob=4#p/u/168/YQvZXlnwqdc
Atheists--Poor Bible Students
"The bible does a fine job of creating a fictional monster in the Old Testament, so non-believers are saved the trouble. If you want to worship a God who demands a man sacrifice his beloved son, kills everyone He created save one family, tortures a pious man to win a bet with Satan, and commits genocide against a people who are inconvenient to His chosen people, Ray's religion is right up your alley." TIf I was such a poor student of what the Bible actually says, I too would be a cynic. Your lack of study is seen in your limiting of your blasphemy to the God of the Old Testament. The New Testament God is the same Person as the Old. In the New Testament He killed a husband and wife because they told one lie. Jesus (New Testament) spoke of Him casting the wicked into Hell. In the Book of Revelation (New Testament) we see that He is the same holy Creator, whose wrath-filled justice will be unleashed against every transgressor of His Law. You may choose to pretend that He doesn't exist, but you still have to face Him on Judgment Day, and the Bible warns that it's a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God (New Testament). God told Abraham to offer Isaac (his only-begotten son) as sacrifice, and when Abraham went to actually sacrifice him, God stopped him. That incident is called an "antitype," and it speaks to the future--of the time when God would give His only-begotten Son as a sacrifice for the sin of the world. In case you didn't know--when the Bible speaks of Jesus being God's "Son," it means that "God was in Christ bringing the world back to Himself." Jesus was God manifest in the flesh (see 1 Timothy 3:16).Instead of accusing God of killing the whole of humanity in the Noahic flood, you may as well accuse Him of killing all of humanity. God, the Judge of the Universe, justly proclaimed the death sentence upon the entire human race because of our sin. You will die because you have sinned against God. Death is your earned "wages" (see Romans 6:23). In regard to God "torturing" Job. Read the book, and you will see that it was Satan who smote Job, and not God. He who is filthy with sin and has the gall to stand in moral judgment over a morally perfect God, has delusions of grandeur indeed. On the Day that your "multitude of sins" are exposed, it will dawn on you as to who is the real monster.For the piranha bowl:http://www.youtube.com/user/thewayofthemaster?blend=3&ob=4#p/u/167/rNMNxiFpcCI



Adolf, Albert, and Atheists

In one sense, Adolf Hitler was no different than any other human being with an imagination. He created his own image of Jesus Christ. This is very common among the unconverted, and was never more epitomized than with the popular question that asked, "What would Jesus do?" To many both within and without the Church, "Jesus" became a synonym for the right thing to do. Books hit the market asking what would Jesus eat and what would He drive? The question sounds legitimate, but it is so open-ended, it is easily abused. It doesn't confine itself to the safety of Scripture."Jesus" can be shaped into any image the fertile imagination wants Him to become. He could be just a great teacher or a great leader. Or He could be merely seen as a great historical figure. This was John Lennon's mistake when he said in an interview of the Beatles, "We're more popular than Jesus now..." He didn't see Jesus as who He is--the Creator of the universe in human form. Albert Einstein had a wonderful image of Jesus. He said, "No man can deny the fact that Jesus existed, nor that his sayings are beautiful. Even if some them have been said before, no one has expressed them so divinely as he." Yet there is no record of him calling Him "My Lord and my God." Even the great literary genius, Mark Twain, had his image of his own Jesus. He said, "If Christ were here now there is one thing he would not be -- a Christian." For the Piranha Bowl:http://www.youtube.com/user/thewayofthemaster?blend=3&ob=4#p/u/165/sGs3VJB1rhE________________________________________[1] Brown, Peter. The Love You Make: An Insider's Story of The Beatles. McGraw Hill; 1983., p. 222[2] See Colossians 1:13-21.[3] "What Life Means to Einstein: An Interview by George Sylvester Viereck," The Saturday Evening Post, Oct. 26, 1929, p. 17.[4] Mark Twain / 1835-1910 / Notebook

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