Gov. Perry Rebukes Pastor Jeffress (We Wonder if Pastor Jeffress Still Thinks Perry is a Solid Evangelical As Jeffress Declared Last Week)

Catholic League president Bill Donohue released the following statement today:
Last night, I discussed the flap over Rev. Robert Jeffress with Chris Matthews on "Hardball" [click here]. While I made it clear that the anti-Catholic comments made by Jeffress must be roundly condemned, I also stated that I was not blaming Gov. Rick Perry for what the pastor said. One of the reasons I said this was because I was assured by my friend, Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, that Perry would never countenance any scurrilous remarks about the Catholic Church.
When I got home, I received a phone call from Gov. Perry. Catholic activist Deal Hudson, who has a history of forging good relationships between Catholics and evangelicals, intervened in this matter and arranged for the phone call. Perry and I spoke candidly about the Jeffress incident, and about religion, in general. He spoke sincerely: nothing that Jeffress said about Catholicism represents his views.
I very much appreciate Gov. Perry's interest in getting this issue behind him in a responsible manner. He succeeded. Case closed.

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