Gun Owners Won't Accept McCain and Conservatives Should Not Either

Gun Owners of America News ReleaseFor Immediate Release February 6, 2008Contact Ellie McDaniel or Eddie Isler 703-321-8585Gun Owners Won't Accept McCain and Conservatives Should Not Either"John McCain has actively worked against the Second Amendment and self-defense during his time in Congress.  McCain who has an F-ratingfrom GOA has also has been a spokesman for gun grabbers during state initiative campaigns," said the three top officers of Gun Owners of America - Founder and Chairman Sen. H. L. Richardson (ret.), Vice-Chairman Tim Macy and Executive Director Larry Pratt."John McCain's so-called 'Straight Talk Express' will derail if he attempts to con gun owners into thinking that he is really their man.If he had wanted the support of gun owners, and conservatives in general,McCain should have thought about that before chalking up his long string of unacceptable votes and initiatives."Gun Owners of America urge the conservatives gathering this week in Washington, D.C. for the CPAC 2008 to remember that John McCain is noconservative.  He worked with Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-MA) for amnesty for illegal aliens.  He worked with Sen. Russ Feingold (D-WI) for protecting incumbents by gagging political speech.  He voted against President Bush's tax cuts, although now Senator 'Straight Talk' says that he is for making them permanent.  He supported Sen. John Kerry(D-MA) when his presidential bid was beached by the Swift Boat Veterans. He even explored running with Kerry in the 2004 presidential election."He appeared in radio and TV ads in Colorado and Oregon on the behalfof an anti-gun group, in an attempt to cripple gun shows and register gun buyers.  "Conservatives should not support John McCain for president.  It is for sure that gun owners will remember who has burned them and undermined the Second Amendment," concluded the GOA officers.GOA


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