Has God 'Given Us Over'?

Has God 'Given Us Over'?<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
(and Leftists Strike Again!)
"I will punish the world for its evil…" (Is 13:11a)
"Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness,
 in the lusts of their hearts…" (Rom 1:24a)
During the past few weeks I have been overwhelmed by the great volume of reports about issues and matters of grave importance to you and your family; to your church and The Church in general; and, truly, to the Nation and the World. 
Based on the above, I am coming to believe that Romans 1:24-32 is underway in some fashion and to some degree.  How much I am not sure at this time.  But, based on the information to which I am privy, I am absolutely sure it has begun
So, for the foreseeable future I plan to alter my approach to our Alerts:
1.      You will receive more short Alerts, about a greater variety of topics for prayer;
2.      I will be offering you some Biblical thoughts about "God giving us over;" what it looks like when He does; and what you and I have an obligation to do about it once we have been warned. 
As an example of #1 above, may I alert you that the liberal/socialist/pagan crowd is busy once again trying to defeat the United States and its armed forces.  For the 58th time (yes, 58th, they never give up) the House of Representatives has initiated an effort to defund the troops, embarrass President Bush, and get us out of Iraq, thereby turning that vital nation over to Iran and Al-Qaeda and making it a very safe haven for Islamofascists.  Does that make geopolitical sense?  Or is it pandering to their far left base to make political points?
Below are excerpts from a Nov. 15th article about this:
"The Pentagon yesterday warned that money was already running out for combat operations in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Iraq and Afghanistan, as congressional Democrats dismissed recent security gains and threatened to stall emergency war funds."
"'The Army is in a particularly precarious situation,' Pentagon spokesman Geoff Morrell said. 'Absent extraordinary measures, it would run out of money by mid-February - so quick congressional action is needed as quickly as possible.'"(editorial comment: Do the leftists even care?)
"Nevertheless, House Democrats passed a $50 billion war-spending bill last night with a 218-203 vote that President Bush promises to veto because it mandates a U.S. pullout from Iraq start immediately with a goal of a nearly complete withdrawal by December 2008." "The top Democrats - House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of California and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada - say they will withhold troop funds for at least the rest of the year if Mr. Bush does not accept the pullout timetable." "White House press secretary Dana Perino said Democrats used the pullout bill 'for political posturing and to appease radical groups.'" "The Democrats believe that these votes will somehow punish the president, but it actually punishes the troops."(emphases mine)
I realize I have packed a lot into this, but matters in our world are reaching a critical mass and, as your watchman since 1991, I feel an obligation to keep you informed.  If you have feedback, please reply!   Thank you!

Please Join us in Prayer!
"Lord, we are aware that You have every right to punish us (Is 13:11). 
"Please, be Merciful and give us another chance.  Cause Your remnant to arise to fervent PRAYER!
"Lord, hear, forgive and act mercifully (Dan 9:17-19). In Jesus' Name, Amen!"


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