Here is Aga Khan/Rick Perry Curriculum: Scrubbed from Web, Cache Scrubbed from Google Search

Here is Aga Khan/Rick Perry Curriculum: Scrubbed from Web, Cache Scrubbed from Google Search

"The religion that the Prophet Muhammad preached provided his followers an ethical and moral vision for leading a life of righteousness." Perry/Khan curriculum.

In one of my first posts on the controversial Aga Khan/Perry school curriculum on Islam for Texas public schools, I published the links (URLs) to the Muslim Histories and Cultures Program (MHC). The MHC page said proudly: "In April 2004, the Aga Khan Foundation (AKF) and UT-Austin finalized a grant proposal that created the partnership that became known as the Muslim Histories and Cultures Program (MHC).... Governor Perry was instrumental in getting this program off the ground."
Soon after I posted about it, the links went dead. It was curious that the multiple pages of all nine lessons plus adjunct powerpoints and lesson plans were all taken offline. Subsequently, I found the Google cached pages and posted those links of the curriculum material. Now those links have also been removed. The cache is gone. Why are they hiding this?
Before everything disappears, I am posting the text and the screenshots of all nine lessons of this proselytizing whitewash of Islam. We are handicapping our children by whitewashing the jihadic doctrine and the threat it presents to the West. This is the actual curriculum, not any one single teacher's lesson plan (which is what other misinformed blogs are using, claiming it is the actual official curriculum, in an attempt to exonerate Perry of this dastardly action).
Further, why is this even being taught in the public schools? There is no intense, extensive Jewish curriculum or Hindu curriculum or Christian curriculum. Further, these religions are not slaughtering Americans and non-believers in the hundreds of thousands, so why color it pretty?
Rick Perry's partner in this Islamic education program is the Aga Khan. The Aga Khan Development Network signed three agreements with the Syrian Government, and "between 2003 and 2008," the Aga Khan's group "spent $40 million to develop business in Syria." Syria has been listed by the State Department as among the State Sponsors of Terrorism since December 29, 1979, and for years has allowed the jihad terror groups Hamas and Hezbollah to operate with impunity out of Damascus.
Another Aga Khan organization, the Aga Khan Fund for Economic Development, is one of the owners of the Bank al-Habib in Pakistan. In 2007, Daniel Pearl's widow Mariane sued that bank, charging that it had funded al-Qaeda and was involved in killing Daniel Pearl. Those charges have never been answered.
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