The Hilarity and Arrogance of Global Warming

The Hilarity and Arrogance of Global Warming<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
Paul Shelby Lewis
How can you possibly deny the science behind global warming!!!!????? 
That's the typical response to anyone who dares suggest that the integrity of the hysteria surrounding the so-called catastrophe-in-the-making is anything but pure.  Even though the scientists that propound such theories are right about as often as, well, themselves (there really is no comparison for their ineptitude), if you dare suggest that the rise in automobile use might only correlate with the recent rise in temperatures (rather than causing it), you risk entering the set of Jerry Springer.
It's become laughable.  On CNN a few weeks ago, the weatherman was nearly panic-stricken about all of the "RED" that was all across the map of this country.  Can you believe how hot it is?????????  What are we going to do, we're all going to die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
Yes, I can believe how hot it is .  .  . it's the middle of the summer.  It's ALWAYS hot at this time of year.  When it is cold in July or August (as it was in the 19th century during the Year Without a Summer), then we can start to worry.  What to do about the problem?  .  .  . wait about two months, get past labor day, and the heat will be gone.  And just think, a few months after that, you can start complaining about how cold it is (and if you really like to get in a frenzy, you can start shouting about how we're all going to die!!!). 
My mirth became dangerous, however, when I fell on the ground laughing about the recent report that the price of milk and dairy products is set to increase dramatically on account of the rising cost of feed.  Let's review, shall we?  .  .  .  What has reached peak demand on account of one of the "solutions" to the rise in gas prices and the environmental effects of burning petroleum?  Ethanol.  What is the chief ingredient of ethanol?  Corn.  What has happened to the price of corn as a result of all of this?  It has gone up.  What's the main ingredient in stock feed?  Corn.  What happens when the main ingredient in stock feed goes up?  The price of the feed goes up.  What happens when the price of feed goes up?  The price of dairy (and meat) goes up.  What happens when the price of dairy goes up?  Exactly what is about to happen; the price of a gallon of milk is expected to hit and pass five dollars, and the price of eggs, cheese, bread, cereal, and every other American staple that relates in some way to corn is expected to rise.  So, while your friendly global warming "experts" are pushing for more ethanol, the cost of the basics of living is going to go sky high.  We always hear how "investing in the environment is investing in our children's future," about the evils of petroleum and big oil and big businesses that burn big oil and on .  .  . and on .  .  .  I wonder if they count starvation as investing in the future of our children?   
What arrogance .  .  . Arrogance that tells us how we can and cannot live.  Arrogance that says, even though the government has never been successful when it comes to effective use of taxes spent in the free market, we ought to trust them on such an important issue.  Arrogance that lifts its fist towards its Creator, and then makes itself into a god by declaring what is and what is not the optimal temperature of our planet.  Arrogance that comes, by all accounts, from those who claim to be the voice of the poor, and yet has no qualms with making it more difficult for the poor to buy the necessities of life.  Scripture is replete with lessons, and here is yet another .  .  . mighty will be their fall.  My suggestion; laugh when you watch the news, and start saving for your next trip to the grocery store. 

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