Hitler and God

Hitler and God

Ray Comfort <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

"Oh, there it is right there. He told General Gerhart Engel: "I am now as before a Catholic and will always remain so." Why would you post a quote that directly supports my point?" Me My apologies for not explaining myself more clearly. Adolf Hitler hated Christianity. He also hated the Bible, banned them, and had 100,000 copies of his own version printed--one that excluded the Old Testament. He created a false image of Jesus, saying that He wasn't a Jew but an Arian. He sent Protestant pastors (Christians) to concentration camps, and replaced them with fake (Nazi) pastors. He said of them:"I'll make these [damn-d] parsons feel the power of the state in a way they would have never believed possible. For the moment, I am just keeping my eye upon them: if I ever have the slightest suspicion that they are getting dangerous, I will shoot the lot of them. This filthy reptile raises its head whenever there is a sign of weakness in the State, and therefore it must be stamped on. We have no sort of use for a fairy story invented by the Jews."1 He also hated the Ten Commandments, and created 12 of his own. As you know, he hated the Jews and slaughtered six million of them. Hitler believed he was a Christian because he was a Catholic, but Christians love the Bible, love Jesus, love Jews, love their enemies, and they do good to those who despitefully use them. Again, though it may be hard for you to understand, Hitler was a Roman Catholic who hated Christianity. There is a huge difference between the two. This failure to understand may be because you would like them to be one in the same, as it gives you what you think is a good reason to reject Christianity. 1. Hitler: A Study in Tyranny, Alan BullockGoodbye, 2010...
Over the last few days, the media have been parading a line of celebrities, who are no longer with us. They have shown photos of them in their prime, and then in their old age. Sadly, most of them were hardly recognizable. Now, they have passed into eternity and will stand before Almighty God when He judges the world in righteousness. What a wonderful Day that will be. That will be the Day that Hitler gets justice--and who, besides neo-Nazis, isn't going to rejoice about that? That will also be the day when the murderers of the five million victims in the <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />United States, who were never brought to justice, will get what's coming to them. That's how many unsolved murders there have been in our country, in the last 50 years. I couldn't help but wonder how many of these celebrities knew the Lord. If they were Jew, Gentile, Hindu, Moslem, or Buddhist, black or white, rich or poor, if they repented and put their trust in Jesus Christ, their sins were forgiven and they escaped the deserved damnation of a terrible place the Bible calls Hell.But those 100 or so celebrities were just the tip of the iceberg of those who died in the past year. If statistics hold true, more than 54 million died in 2010, and 54 million will die in 2011. If my number comes up, I'm ready. Are you? Here then is the "everlasting gospel" one more time for 2010. I hope you will listen. I would be so delighted to hear that you have given up battling against God, and surrendered to His will:Each of us will die because we have broken God's moral Law. Let's see if you have broken the Ten Commandments: Is God first in your life? Have you made a god to suit yourself? Have you ever used God's holy name in vain? Have you kept the Sabbath holy? Have you always honoured your parents implicitly? Have you hated anyone? Then the Bible says you are a murderer. Have you had sex out of marriage? Then you are a fornicator and cannot enter Heaven. Jesus said, "Whoever looks upon a woman to lust after her has committed adultery with her in his heart." Have you ever lusted? Have you ever stolen something (irrespective of its value)? Then you are a thief. If you have told just one lie (even if you call it "white"), you are a liar, and cannot enter the Kingdom of God. Listen to your conscience. The Law leaves us all sinners in God's sight. On Judgment Day we will be found guilty, and end up in Hell forever, but because Jesus paid our fine on the Cross 2,000 years ago, God can forgive us. The Bible says, "God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." Then He rose from the dead, and defeated the power of the grave. If you repent and trust the Savior, God will forgive your sins and grant you everlasting life. Confess your sins to God, put your faith in Jesus Christ, then read the Bible daily and obey what you read.May God bless you and yours in 2011. It's Your L fe
"You talk about blind faith and reason but how do you reason that the Bible is the Word of God. The books that we consider to form the Bible today were decided on in 397 A.D., almost four hundred years after Jesus...Do we really have to accept the Bible with such blind faith? I, myself, am a Christian and have no interest in abandoning my beliefs over a few unanswered questions but can you give insight into them?"Let me give you one of my dumb analogies. Someone gives you a high-tech device that you don't know how to use. They also give you an instruction book. How do you know that it is the right book for the device? I'm sure you know the answer. Simply do what the book says, and if the device works, common sense will tell you that it's the correct book. You are the product, and the Bible is the Instruction Book. How do you know it is the Instruction Book for humanity? Simply, do what it says. It says that if you truly repent (confess and forsake your sins) and trust alone in Jesus Christ, the "eyes of your understanding will be enlightened." You will be radically born again, and come to know and love God. The "product" will work as it should. When that happens, the Bible will supernaturally come alive to you. Without the new birth (see John 3:3-5), it will be a dull and dry bronze-age history-book.God gave His Word to humanity--as "a lamp to their path and a light to their feet." If you want guidance through this dark world, then love, trust, and read the Bible daily. If you want to stay in darkness, don't love it, don't trust it, and don't read it. It's your life. What you do with it is up to you.I have been reading the Scriptures every day, without failure, for nearly 40 years, and I have never found a mistake in the Word of God. The mistakes that people think they find are their own mistakes. So it doesn't concern me as to why or how the New Testament historically came together. It has proven itself to be God's Word. He inspired it, He has preserved it, and it's supernaturally axiomatic. But if the Bible was banned and completely removed from the earth, it would have no bearing on my salvation at all, because the Bible is just the Instruction Book. It instructs on how to find everlasting life. That life is alone in Jesus Christ...and nothing can separate me from Him. Not even death.

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