How Can America Avoid a Civil War and Why Should All Americans Oppose An Article V Convention?

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In a recent interview between TV host Brannon Howse and attorney and historian Joe Wolverton, the topic of America heading towards a civil war was discussed. While this is a concerning possibility, the conversation also delved into the idea of a Constitutional Convention (Article V Convention) and the threats such would pose. Wolverton warns against the dangers of such a convention, emphasizing the need to preserve the legacy of the Founding Fathers and the principles they held dear.

A Lamp of History:

Wolverton begins by stressing the importance of looking to history as a guiding light for the future. He believes that America's current political climate indicates a significant division, making peaceful coexistence challenging. He argues that someone must be benefiting from this division, which has led to a push for conflicting ideologies within a vast and diverse nation.

The Founders' Recipe:

Referencing the words of French priest Abbé de Mably in a letter to John Adams, Wolverton highlights the uniqueness of the American federal system. The Founders' intent was to create a federated republic of sovereign states rather than one consolidated nation. Thus, the idea of a vast 300 million-person country governed by a single set of lawmakers was not their intention.

The Need for Division:

Wolverton suggests that division may be necessary to preserve peace in the country. While he is not calling for a civil war, he believes a division is crucial to maintain the core values and principles that different groups hold dear.

Dealing with Opposition:

When questioned about how to initiate this division without being labeled insurrectionists, Wolverton points out that dissenting voices throughout history have always faced negative labels. He emphasizes the need for courage and conviction in standing up for what one believes is right, regardless of the consequences.

The Value of Liberty:

Brannon Howse emphasized the significance of liberty and its worthiness of sacrifice. He invokes the Founding Fathers' willingness to risk their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor for the cause of freedom. He urges Americans to understand the true meaning of liberty, which, if embraced, would embolden them to protect their rights and freedoms.

A Warning from History:

Drawing on Aristotle's writings, Wolverton warns that the theft of elections can be a dangerous step towards the decline of a republic. The loss of faith in the sanctity of elections leads to laws that suppress dissenting voices and inhibit true representation.

Constitutional Convention Concerns:

The conversation shifts to the idea of holding a Constitutional Convention (Article V Convention) to fix the problems facing the country. Wolverton strongly cautions against such a convention, stating that it would be influenced and bought by powerful interests, just like the current government.

Preserving the Constitution:

Instead of attempting to fix the Constitution, Wolverton asserts that Americans should focus on upholding and following the principles set forth by the Founding Fathers. He stresses that adding more documents will not guarantee adherence to the existing ones.


In conclusion, the interview with attorney and historian Joe Wolverton raises several critical points about the challenges facing America. The potential for civil unrest and the idea of a Constitutional Convention as a solution are both topics of concern. Wolverton emphasizes the importance of understanding history, cherishing liberty, and preserving the principles set forth by the Founding Fathers to uphold the American legacy.

Click here to watch this program now:…

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For a free, no obligation packet of information on precious metals or putting gold into your IRA please text your name and address to Wes Peters of Swiss America or call him at 602-558-8585. 

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