How Do You Feel About the 'Gang-Rape' in Annapolis?

How Do You Feel About the 'Gang-Rape' <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Annapolis?  I'm SAD! 
"They have also healed the hurt of My people slightly,
Saying, 'Peace, peace!'
When there is no peace."(Jer 6:14)
"The LORD has fulfilled His fury,
He has poured out His fierce anger." (Lam 4:11a)
"My eyes fail with tears, My heart is troubled" (Lam 2:11a)
Shortly after the conclusion of the first day of the "Peace" conference in Annapolis, it is difficult to be anything but very, very SAD. 
"Why are you sad, Harry?  Don't you want 'Peace'?  Didn't Jesus call you to be a 'Peacemaker' (see Mt 5:9)?"
"Yes", but not at the price of ignoring the two foundations of His Throne, Righteousness and Justice (see Ps 89:14).
Also, certainly not if this "Peace" defies the Lord's specific Prophetic Warnings and Will.  As we explained in my most recent Alert (see Nov 21st Alert here), the Lord does not want the Biblical lands He designated to the Israelis as an "everlasting covenant" (i.e. FOREVER!) to be divided up.  
[For a more thorough explanation of the very significant prophetic words about "touching" Israel and Jerusalem, please read Paragraph 5 of my Alert referenced above.]
Again, as my recent Alert warned, those who instigate the division of these lands have historically suffered devastating natural DISASTERS as a consequence of God's Wrath (see the article by John McTernan, Burden for America, which reviews this in great detail).
Then, of course, I'm sad because my very own country and President (for whom I had such high hopes) have instigated this travesty.
"Harry, what do 'righteousness and justice' have to do with the Annapolis meeting?" 
The authors listed below do a fine job of answering that very good question.  Suffice it to say, these meetings are "unjust" and "not-right" for several reasons:

  1. "Peace" is unattainable because it is not the goal of most of the participants – the punishment and elimination of Israel is! 


  1. The motives of the leaders of these meetings are "not-right".  Their motives seem to be vainglory, legacy building, humiliating Israel, acquiring land for themselves (e.g., the Golan Heights for Syria) and desperately trying to stay in office at home (e.g., Prime Minister Ehud Olmert of Israel), etc.


  1. Desperately trying to appease Israel's enemies (who are driven by an anti-Semitic spirit), Israel will probably further shrink herself by giving away more land and security in hopes of winning approval from people and nations who hate her and will NEVER do anything but "curse" her. 


  1. It is certainly "unjust and not-right" for us to foster a terrorist state on the borders of Israel. 

Frank Gaffney (see below) sums it up:  it's a "Gang-Rape", one which sounds great to dull, misunderstanding ears but, in reality, will have devastating repercussions for both Israel (our supposed "ally") and the United States.
So, please study the articles listed below.  The topic is so complex and arcane.  Together, these writings provide deep and well-rounded understanding of the perils posed by George Bush's meetings.  May God have mercy on us all!

Gang-Rape in Annapolis, Saudi Style by Frank J. Gaffney, Jr.
The Two Real Sides of Annapolis Physical and Spiritual by Bill Wilson
On the Jewish Question by Bernard Lewis
Shaking Hands with Saudi Arabia by Diana West
Annapolis: Into the Lion's Den by Patrick Goodenough
Accept Israel as the Jewish State? by Daniel Pipes
Mr. Palestine?  (Weblog) by Daniel Pipes
Give Annapolis a Chance? by Caroline GlickAmerican folly, Israeli tragedy by Caroline Glick
Join us in Prayer!
"Lord, in Your Wrath, remember MERCY!  Please foil these plans (see Ps 2).  In Jesus' Name, Amen!"

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