How The Real Lord's Prayer of John 17 is Twisted For Ecumenicalism

So, tonight, Twisted Scripture Number 43, which happens to be the verse John 17:21.  Now, this verse is used out of context all the time by a lot of people pushing ecumenicalism.  This is a favorite verse of those pushing ecumenicalism.  I want to show you some video clips to prove to you that people use John 17:21 out of context to say that the Catholic Church and the Protestants must come together as one.  And they will quote John 17:21 that reads – the prayer of Jesus, “– that they all may be one, as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be one in us, that the world may believe that you sent me.”So, this is the prayer of Jesus, John Chapter 17 verse 1 through about 23-24 there.  And I want to look at that with you tonight.  But understand that John 17:21 is often used, “– that we may be as one.”“The prayer of Jesus is that we be as one,” that’s what the ecumenicalists will say, when talking about Protestants and Catholics.  Now, I’ll prove that point to you by showing you some video clips, and then we’re going to look at the full prayer of Jesus in context.  We’re going to break it down, starting with John 17:1.  And we’re going to break it down, and I’m going to explain to you why Jesus is not praying for Protestants, true believers, Christians to become one with the Church of Rome, to enter into a spiritual enterprise with the Church of Rome.  That would contradict Scripture, and I’m going to prove that to you tonight.You want to know what the real Lord’s Prayer is?  This would be it, John Chapter 17, starting at verse 1.  Now, many people refer to the Lord’s Prayer that we so commonly know, Jesus teaching his disciples how to pray, “Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name.  Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.”  And then it goes on to talk about, “Forgive us our debts,” or our trespasses, “as we forgive those who trespass against us.”  That is not the prayer of Jesus.  Jesus does not have to pray, “Forgive us our debts,” or, “our trespasses.”  Jesus doesn’t pray that.  Okay?  That is the Prayer of the Disciples.  It really shouldn’t be called the Lord’s Prayer; it should be called the Prayer of the Disciples – Jesus teaching His disciples how to pray; Jesus teaching us how to pray.  Those of us who are believers are to be His disciples.  Right?  Jesus said, “If you want to be one of My disciples, you must” – what? – “pick up your cross and follow Me.”  Die to yourself.  Christians are to be followers of Christ; they’re to be His disciples.  And so, that is a prayer of the disciples; it’s not really the Lord’s Prayer.The real Lord’s Prayer, I believe, would be John Chapter 17, starting at verse 1.  This is the real prayer of the Lord, and we’re going to look at that tonight.  But it is not a prayer of the Lord calling for or desiring for ecumenicalism, all the world’s religions to become as one, the Church of Rome and Christians to unite.  That’s not what Jesus is praying for.Now, to show you that there are indeed those that take this Scripture out of context, and they twist it and end up with bad theology, I want to show you some video clips to prove that.  The first one is James Robison.  I’ve perhaps played this for you in other broadcasts, but let me play it here as well, please.  James Robison is talking to a Catholic priest, Jonathan Morris.  Sometimes you see Jonathan Morris on Fox News channel.  And he says here that this is the prayer of Jesus that we become one.  And he says to Jonathan Morris – Father Jonathan Morris, Catholic priest – that he believes that the prayer of Jesus is being answered, because he, a Protestant, is sitting there talking to this Catholic priest, and they’re agreeing, and they’re having communion with each other, and that they are fellowshipping, and they’re saying they agree on some doctrines.  And James Robison is so excited about this and says that what is taking place right there in his TV studio is the beginning of Jesus’ prayer being answered.  And he’s got to be referring to John 17, because he’s basically quoting it.  Watch this clip. James Robison:  I am telling you that I believe that I’m going to get to see and be a part of Jesus’ prayer for us to have a oneness with the Father and to see a perfected – perfectedness and perfection coming from a supernatural unity and the world know we’re His disciples because of our love.  That, I think, I’m gonna get to see that.  And just knowing that – All right, this next clip is James Robison’s wife, and she talks about how she believes God is happy when His children get together and fellowship.  Let me just make something very clear.  There are only two camps: the camp of God, and the camp of Satan.  Jesus, in John 8, made it very clear there are only two camps: the camp of God, and the camp of Satan.  John Chapter 8, Jesus made that very clear.  There are only two camps.  And so, when the wife of James Robison says that she believes that God’s very happy when His children get together, this is implying that really we’re all God’s children.  We’re all God’s children.  If you believe in Jesus, if you believe in a few Christian doctrines, then we’re all Christians; we’re all children of God.You know, there’s a lot of people that say if you just believe the Apostles’ Creed, you’re a Christian.  No.  The Apostles’ Creed does not give a clear understanding or definition or explanation of what is the Gospel.  The Catholic Church would say they agree with the Apostles’ Creed, and yet they believe the pope is above the Word of God, tradition is above the Word of God – the tradition of the Catholic Church.  They would believe that the pope has the right to alter Scripture.  They would say that salvation comes also, in part, through Mary.  But they say they believe the Apostles’ Creed.  And so, there are those who say, “Well, if you believe the Apostles’ Creed, then we’re all Christians; we’re all children of God.”  Wrong, wrong.  The Apostles’ Creed does not give a clear understanding or explanation or defense of the Gospel.But here is James Robison’s wife saying that God is happy when His children are getting together.  But we’re not all God’s children.  Just because you claim a few beliefs doesn’t mean you really are yielding your life to Christ; have repented of your sins; understand who you are, what you are, and what you deserve.  It doesn’t meant that you are following the Jesus of the Bible.  A lot of people say they believe in Jesus.  In fact, the Bible even says that demons believe in Jesus and tremble.  The demons believe in Jesus and tremble.  So, it’s not enough just to believe in Jesus.  In fact, in this day and age, you have to ask the question, “Which Jesus?”  Are we talking about the Jesus of the Bible, or the Jesus of the Church of Rome that’s offered up in communion and slaughtered over and over in their mass, their communion service, known as transubstantiation, which we’ve explained many times here before?  So, it’s a different Jesus.  Jesus is not being slaughtered over and over and over.  That’s not the Jesus of the Bible.So, the Church of Rome, as we’ve explained before, has a different Jesus.  We’ve explained that the Word of Faith has a different Jesus.  Right?  They believe Jesus came to Earth as a man, later became God.  That’s a different Jesus.  The Mormons have a different Jesus.  They believe Jesus is the brother of Lucifer.  So, just because someone says they believe in Jesus doesn’t make them a Christian.  So, we have to ask specifically today, “What do you mean by Jesus?  Who do you say that Jesus is?”  And so, just because someone says they believe in a few Christian terms, “Oh, I believe in Jesus,” or, “I believe the Apostles’ Creed,” that doesn’t mean they’re a Christian.  And yet, here’s James Robison’s wife saying God’s happy when His children have fellowship, when His children get together.Well, the problem is, there are many who claim to be believers that are not.  In fact, Jesus says in – we read in Matthew Chapter 7 where the Lord will say to them, “Depart from Me.  I never knew you, you worker of iniquity.”And these false teachers that are being cast out into darkness, where there’s the gnashing of teeth, as described in Matthew 7, these false teachers will be saying, “But, Lord, didn’t we cast out demons in Your name, and prophesy in Your name, and testify in Your name?”And He will say, “Depart from me.  I never knew you, you worker of iniquity,” or you worker of lawlessness, religious people as the world would define.  They were religious; they were spiritual.So, this is James Robison’s wife.  And then James Robison himself goes on to say that, again, he believes that Jesus has just turned to His Father in Heaven and said, “My prayers are getting answered.”  Again, he has to be referring, I believe, to the prayer of the Lord that we find in John 17.  So, notice again, they seem to keep using John 17 to say that they all may be one, John 17:21, the prayer of Jesus, that they all may be one, is somehow referring to Christians/Protestants uniting with Catholics.  That’s not the prayer of Jesus.  I’ll explain that in just a minute.  Watch this clip. Betty Robison:  But I believe God is happy when He sees His children fellowshipping together and getting along together. Male:  Gosh, rejoicing in Heaven, right? Betty Robison:  Yeah, amen. James Robison:  He does.  I believe angels rejoice.  I believe the Father rejoices.  I know Jesus, who’s daily making intercession for us, I believe He’s turned to His Father and said, “Father, My prayers are getting answered.  We’re getting together.”  Don’t you like what you’re seeing?  Don’t you know God likes us to come together? All right.  No, Jesus is not in Heaven turning to His Father saying, “My prayer is about to be answered,” because that was not the prayer of Jesus in John 17. To read the rest of this transcript or to watch the entire television program join

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