HPV Vaccine Fact Check: Perry Misstated Relationship With Dying Woman

Although Rick Perry said at a debate on Thursday that he was "lobbied" by a 31-year-old woman suffering from cervical cancer to require young girls to receive the HPV vaccine, he did not meet the cancer patient until after he had already issued his executive order mandating the vaccine.

It was a rhetorical high point for Perry at the debate in Florida, when he put a personal face on the story and pointed to his friendship with a woman who later died of cervical cancer.
"I got lobbied on this issue. I got lobbied by a 31 year old young lady who had stage 4 cervical cancer," said Perry. "I spent a lot of time with her. She came by my office She talked to me about this program. I readily admitted we should have had an opt-in but I don't know what part of opt out most parents don't get and the fact is I erred on the side of life and I will always err on the side of life as a governor as a president of the United States."
Click here for complete article: http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/politics/2011/09/fact-check-perry-met-dying-woman-after-hpv-vaccine-mandate/

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