I DON'T WORRY ABOUT WHAT I WATCH AS LONG AS MY HEART IS RIGHT!<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
By Shane Idleman
A youth pastor once told me, "I don't worry about what I watch or listen to as long as my heart is right. Plus, I need to watch what everyone else is watching so I can relate to them."
This is a very dangerous view. Most will admit, however, that this statement is really just an excuse to cross the line when it comes to entertainment. Let's be honest: many rationalize watching and listening to very questionable material not because they want to relate to others, but because they enjoy it.
What we watch and listen to affects the heart; it's impossible to separate the two. If we would make it our goal to know Christ more personally, we would preach Christ more powerfully. For example, if a pastor fills his mind with worldly pleasures and desires all week and expects the Spirit of God to speak boldly through him from the pulpit, he will be gravely mistaken. "The gratification of the flesh and the fullness of the Spirit do not go hand in hand" (R.A. Torrey). Who he is all week is who he will be when he steps to the pulpit-the passion and conviction of his message is only as strong as the passion and conviction within him. The same is true with you and me: "For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks" (Matthew 12:34). What goes in ultimately comes out.
The Scriptures are crystal clear on the issue of entertainment; there's really no debate. Philippians 4:8 says to fix our thoughts on what is true and honorable and right, and to think about things that are pure and lovely and admirable and worthy of praise. Ephesians 5:1-20 also addresses this issue, and enough is said in II Timothy alone to silence any debate: everyone who names the name of Christ should depart from anything that goes against His standard of holiness. We must be pure vessels that God can use. (See II Timothy 2:19-21.) A pure vessel cannot come from a polluted mind. Years of feeding the flesh will leave us spiritually weak. James 1:27 reveals that Christians are to remain "unspotted" from the world; which literally means to be free from the world's corruption. Are we "affecting" the world, or is the world "infecting" us?
Let your freedom in Christ, and a relationship with Him, guide you. We've all watched questionable material and have made wrong choices; don't live with ongoing regret. But don't justify wrong behavior by thinking that God doesn't care about what you watch or listen to, because He does; we serve and love God with our mind. (See Romans 7:25 and Luke 10:27.) What we view and listen to clearly affects our relationship with Him. If we find dozens of hours a week to watch movies and television programs, but have little time for God, our relationship with Him will suffer-period.
Years ago, I realized that if I wanted to grow spiritually, some things would have to go, or, at the very least, be minimized; I needed to draw a line. Instead of watching hours of television a day, I began to devote my time to activities that strengthened my relationship with the Lord. I cannot begin to tell you how much of a difference that made. Although far from perfect, I began to put first things first. As a result, I began to hunger for God's Word and spiritual truth like never before. It's impossible to develop a deep respect and desire for God if we repeatedly fill our mind with things that oppose Him.

Let me leave you with this thought: if you are a young adult, are you willing to do what it takes to protect your mind and your relationship with the Lord? If you are a parent, are you willing to do what it takes to protect your family? It's your choice. Drawing a line can be out of step with the mainstream, but, like Joshua, we too must say: choose this day whom you will serve, as for me and my house we will serve the Lord (Joshua 24:15).
This excerpt was taken from What Works for Young Adults-Solid Choices In Unstable Times, © 2007 by El Paseo Publications (www.elpaseopublications.com); [email protected].


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