Illegals Immigrants Continue to Terrorize the American People


  • A sniper takes aim at passing motorists on a major U.S. interstate highway over the weekend.
  • The mother of the 14-year-old alleged Georgia school shooter called the school minutes before the shooting to warn of an “extreme emergency” involving her son.
  • City councils across the United States are starting to get backlash for allowing so many illegals to be funneled in by the federal government. But are they listening? We’ve got video that indicates they are not.
  • A high-up Russian official predicts the United States is in a state of collapse and will soon devolve into civil war.
  • And a popular Second Amendment advocate on YouTube announces his own death in a video.

All these stories and more when the Worldview Report begins, right now!


Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report.

Our top story tonight is one that has received scant coverage in the national media, and that includes the conservative media.

Authorities in Laurel County, Kentucky, have been hunting for a “person of interest” in a highway shooting off of Exit 49 in a rural stretch of Interstate-75, which is 8 miles north of London and about 90 miles south of Lexington, Kentucky.

According to the Louisville Courier Journal, a local newspaper, a flurry of shots broke out around 6:35 p.m. Saturday. A man sitting on a wooded hillside with a rifle starting taking pot shots at passing motorists. He hit at least five cars and injured five people in those cars, some of them quite seriously.

Police identified the suspect Sunday as 32-year-old Joseph A. Couch, according to a spokesperson for the Laurel County Sheriff's Department.

Couch's car, a silver Honda CRV, was found in a wooded area near the interstate. An AR-15 and a loaded magazine were allegedly found in the vehicle.

The sheriff’s department spokesman said:

“We think that he (Couch) is still in that area, but he could not be in that area. He could be somewhere else, anywhere else.”

The sheriff’s department is urging residents to be aware of their surroundings while police continue to investigate.

Police are also investigating in neighboring Whitley County, where Couch resides. Couch's family is believed to be cooperating with authorities.


The Daily Caller News Foundation reports that the mother of the 14-year-old alleged Apalachee High School shooter called the school minutes before the shooting to warn of an “extreme emergency” involving her son, according to The Washington Post.

Marcee Gray, mother of suspect Colt Gray, texted her sister that she had notified the school counselor that “it was an extreme emergency and for them to go immediately and find [her son] to check on him,” according to text messages obtained by the Post. The outlet also obtained a call log from the family’s phone plan showing a 10-minute phone call placed at 9:50 a.m. from the mother’s phone to the school, 30 minutes before the Sept. 4 shooting started.

A school counselor told Marcee during the call that her son was talking about a school shooting, according to Annie Brown, Marcee’s sister.

Text messages obtained by the Post from Brown show that the family was in contact with the school about Colt’s mental health a week before the shooting. Brown also told a family member that Colt was having “homicidal and suicidal thoughts,” according to the outlet.

Brown also told the Post that Colt was “begging for help from everybody around him” and that “the adults around him failed him.” Colt allegedly had a difficult home life, with his mother pleading guilty to a family violence charge in December 2023 and ordered to have limited contact with her husband.

The FBI received a tip in May 2023 that Colt allegedly made threats, and he was questioned by local authorities. However, officials claimed they did not have probable cause for an arrest, and Gray denied making the threats.

Colt allegedly opened fire with an AR-15 pattern rifle at Apalachee High School, killing four and injuring nine. Colt surrendered when a school resource officer confronted the teen.

Colt stands charged with four counts of felony murder, and his father, Colin Gray, is charged with four counts of involuntary manslaughter, two counts of second-degree murder and eight counts of cruelty to children. The gun Colt used was reportedly gifted to him by Colin.


A city council meeting in Sylacauga, Alabama, was cut short after only 20 minutes Thursday following questions from residents about recent Haitian immigrants being bussed into the area.

Council President Tiffany Nix brought the meeting to an abrupt close after several residents asked questions about how the city knew workers coming there were legal immigrants, who had determined this, and what effect they were having on crime and housing.

After three residents asked questions during the meeting, Nix brought it to a close. “I’m going to cut it off,” she said.

One resident, saying she was concerned, asked “who is heading up watching over this situation?”

Councilman Ashton Fowler said the first he was aware of immigrants in the city was when he saw them at church. He knows people are concerned, but immigrants can’t be monitored as though they have committed a criminal act.

“We found out when everybody found out,” Fowler said.

“The first time I saw them, they came in our church. They wanted to come to Sunday School and church with us. That’s the first time I knew they were in town, and then there was three, then six, then eight. The ones at church with me are great people. They wanted to come to church, haven’t asked for a thing, worship and go home.”

Another resident asked why council members had not attempted to learn where immigrant workers are coming from on buses. 

Nix said everyone was welcome in her city as long as they weren’t breaking any laws.

“If you’re here stimulating our economy, thank you. That’s how I feel about it. If people aren’t breaking the law, they’re not causing any problems, I don’t...I don’t see what the issue is.”

WATCH VIDEO (clip first 2:00)


Meanwhile, in Springfield, Ohio, a woman approached her city council and literally begged them to do something about the foreign refugees throwing mattresses and trash in her front yard and yelling at her in a threatening manner.

She said she and her elderly husband were preparing to move out of the city after living in their home for 45 years. Between the homeless and the migrants, she said it’s simply no longer safe, and the city is doing nothing to help. She said the refugees don’t speak English and are living in Springfield under a “temporary protected status.”



One of YouTube’s most popular firearms channels, operated by firearms instructor and gun-rights activist Paul Harrell, had some tragic news to report last week. 


Harrel announced his own death Tuesday in a pre-recorded video that had been made more than eight months prior.

“Hi everyone, let me get  right to the point,” Harrell said in the opening of the video posted to his YouTube channel, which he said was made on December 20, 2023. He passed away on September 3, 2024, of pancreatic cancer.

Here is a clip from the nearly 7-minute video.

WATCH VIDEO (clip first 3:58)

Paul Harrell’s brother Roy said the channel will endure without his brother, adding:

“It was his wish that I maintain his legacy through this channel. He will remain an inspiration to us all.”

The channel has 1.2 million subscribers. As of Sunday afternoon, the video had been viewed more than 7 million times.

According to an obituary on, Paul Harrell was 58, and was a veteran who served in both the U.S. Marine Corps and the Army.


Bloomberg reports that discount home goods retailer Big Lots Inc. is preparing to file for bankruptcy as soon as Sunday, and plans to sell its chain of stores via a court-supervised process, according to people familiar with the plans.

The company will continue to operate under Chapter 11 protection, the sources said, and is in the process of lining up a so-called stalking horse bid, meaning it’s subject to better offers should any materialize. The company has been working with advisers from AlixPartners and Guggenheim Partners on the bankruptcy and sale process.

Representatives for Big Lots and AlixPartners didn’t respond to requests seeking comment on the bankruptcy plans, while Guggenheim declined to comment.

Big Lots, which has around 1,400 stores and employs over 30,000 people, has suffered from declining sales for years, including in recent quarters as rising inflation squeezed the wallets of its budget-conscious shoppers. Its share price has plunged to around $0.50, after peaking above $72 in 2021.

Big Lots inked a sale and leaseback deal for a distribution center and 26 owned stores with affiliates of Blue Owl Capital last year that served to raise a quick $318 million, but also added to its costs.


Former President Donald J. Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris enter the homestretch of the campaign in a tight race, and with their only scheduled debate looming on Tuesday, Ms. Harris faces a sizable share of voters who still say they need to know more about her.


national poll of likely voters by The New York Times and Siena College found Trump leading Harris, 48 percent to 47 percent, within the poll’s 3-percentage-point margin of error and largely unchanged from a Times/Siena poll taken in late July just after Biden dropped his re-election bid. 

According to the pollsters:

“Trump may have had a rough month following the president’s departure and amid the burst of excitement that Harris brought Democrats, but the poll suggests his support remains remarkably resilient.”

Trump has also benefitted from the support he’s received from Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who had been running as an independent until he dropped out of the race and supported Trump last month.


Newsweek reports that former Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, a close ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin, issued a warning on Saturday predicting the United States will collapse in an “imminent new civil war” amid this year's election over Russian sanctions.

Since the Russia-Ukraine war began in February 2022, Western countries have imposed sanctions on Moscow, with several thousand sanctions on Russian individuals, businesses, and government institutions. The U.S. has gradually expanded the sanctions it imposed as President Joe Biden issued an executive order in December, which allows the U.S. to directly sanction foreign banks facilitating significant transactions for Russia. Washington threatened to block such banks that conduct business with firms that support Russia's defense industry from its financial system.

In a Saturday Telegram message, Medvedev, deputy chairman of the Russian Security Council, spoke about the current political climate of the U.S. and the 2024 presidential race, which will see former President Donald Trump, the GOP presidential nominee, face off against Vice President Kamala Harris, who was awarded the Democratic presidential nominee after Biden dropped out of the race on July 21.

Medvedev said:

“Out of spite for the current administration, Donald Trump has threatened to lift sanctions against Russia. But will he really do it if elected? No, of course not. For all his apparent bravado as an ‘outsider,’ Trump is ultimately an establishment insider. Yes, he is an eccentric narcissist, but he is also a pragmatist. As a businessman, Trump understands that sanctions harm the dollar's dominance in the world. However, that's insufficient reason to stage a revolution in the United States and go against the anti-Russian line of the notorious Deep State, which is much stronger than any Trump.”

He then added: 

“But what about Harris? You shouldn't expect any surprises from her. She is inexperienced and, according to her enemies, just plain stupid. Beautiful meaningless speeches and boring ‘correct’ answers to questions will be prepared for her, which she will read off a teleprompter while laughing contagiously. There were sanctions against the USSR throughout the 20th century, and they've returned on an unprecedented scale in the 21st. So, it's sanctions forever. Or rather, until the U.S. collapses during an imminent new civil war. After all, Hollywood makes films about this for a reason.”


A group of leading medical researchers has uncovered evidence linking Covid mRNA injections to a recent surge in cases of lymphoma.

Lymphoma is a type of blood cancer that affects the immune system.

It specifically impacts white blood cells called lymphocytes, which are an important part of the body’s immune system, causing them to develop abnormally and multiply out of control.

It is also called a cancer of the lymphatic system.

The team of Chinese researchers, both with Lanzhou University First Hospital, conducted the study to identify the source of the recent surge in the once-rare blood cancer.


Despite the mounting evidence that mRNA injections are killing people, Slay News reports that the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has issued a new guidance pushing for babies to receive three unlicensed Covid shots before they are 9 months old.

It’s important to note that there are no licensed Covid vaccines for children aged 12 and under. They are all being administered to kids under emergency use authorization, even though there is no health emergency whatsoever.

This insane, murderous set of guidelines was issued on August 30 in spite of the fact that COVID-19 poses virtually no risk to children and infants.

Yet, according to the CDC, 9-month-old babies can only be considered “up to date on their shots” if they receive multiple doses of the toxic mRNA injections.

The CDC’s updated guidance states that children as young as 6 months old must get either two doses of the 2024-2025 Moderna vaccine or three doses of the 2024-2025 Pfizer vaccine.

If getting the new Pfizer shot, the baby is supposed to receive the first dose at 6 months, the second dose three weeks later, and the third dose at least eight weeks after the second dose.

This is criminal. Anyone who had anything to do with this decision at the CDC should be charged with accessory to a felony. That being mass murder.


Time now for the Worldview Report nightly commentary.

For Bill Gates, the thought of working less than full-time as he approaches the age of 70 scares him to death.

Gates, who recently turned 68, says he hopes to follow in the footsteps of his longtime friend Warren Buffett, who serves as chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway at age 94 and has no imminent plans to retire

Gates told CNBC:

“My friend Warren Buffett still comes into the office six days a week. So, I hope my health allows me to be like Warren.”

Buffet has served on the boards of various Gates business ventures, including his vaccine deals.

Gates says he still has so much he wants to do. He remains a technology advisor for Microsoft and spends much of his time using his net worth — estimated at $128 billion— to fund potential solutions for the global issues he sees as most pressing. These include creating new mRNA vaccines for nearly every disease known to man, ending poverty, and pushing the climate change agenda, part of which involves global depopulation.

So, the world apparently has many more years to endure Bill Gates, who seems to be a chip off the old block. His father once served on the board of Planned Parenthood and is a noted proponent of eugenics.

Folks like Gates, Fauci, Buffett, George Soros, Henry Kissinger, Klaus Schwab, they don’t tend to take their billions and ride off into the sunset. They stay busy. Kissinger lived to 100 and worked a full schedule almost to the end.

What’s that saying? Evil never rests?

That does it for this edition of the Worldview Report. Thanks for watching and supporting this broadcast. 

Until next time…


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