Imagine: Real Journalism

Imagine:  Real Journalism<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
Logging on to CNN's website late in the evening of December 2nd, those who have been casually following "Climate-Gate" may have been surprised to find a headline story about the recent story (or scandal, depending on your disposition).  CNN, as well affiliates of ABC, NBC, and CBS have been getting criticism of late from the more conservative network, FOX, for not devoting any time to what appears to be an attempt to cover up the effects that humans have (or have not) had upon climate change.
That headline, "Climate Head Steps Down Over Leaked Emails," ran as the headline story for a matter of hours, soon to be brushed aside to the "Latest News" sidebar that runs on CNN's website.  Replacing that headline was one that read, "An Alaskan Town on the Brink," a story about .  .  . the devastating impact of global warming upon the Village of Shishmaref, AK (read the story:
While it is a notable story to be sure, the irony that CNN has decided to run this at the same time that leaked emails between "scientists" who focus on climate change is too rich.  If ever there were an opportunity to show the world that they are not in the pockets of GE, the Obama administration, and liberal America, this would be the time.
Would CNN let slide a revelation that scientists for Exxon-Mobil had altered or ignored data in order to make their research more climate-friendly?  Would CNN, ABC, NBC, or CBS ignore leaked emails between Bank of America executives stating that they used "tricks" with their books in order to keep their stock prices up?  Would CNN, ABC, NBC, or CBS ignore information that demonstrated former President Bush had falsified military records?  Oh, wait .  .  .
The truth is, we don't have all of the information, but that's the job of a journalist.  True journalism follows information like a dog after a scent.  Maybe investigation would reveal that the emails are being taken out of their broader context.  On the other hand, that same investigation could be the first revelation of a fraud on the same scale as Enron; especially when you consider the money that is behind the "Green" movement.  But without investigation, there is no way of knowing. 
If there scientists are engaging in fraud, the public deserves to know before it is taken down a path that is going to harm society.  If there is no fraud, then the public deserves to know so that it is not left to make assumptions and fight what might be necessary climate-change policy.  Imagine if instead of letting conservatives think one thing, and letting liberals think another, today's journalists would do their jobs; find the facts, present the facts, and let people make educated decisions. 

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