Institute for Policy Studies' "Inside/Outside" Strategy for Influencing Obama Administration

Institute for Policy Studies' "Inside/Outside" Strategy for Influencing Obama Administration

An important, just posted video from Joy Zarembka , operations director for the the Institute for Policy Studies.The communist and socialist riddled, Washington D.C. based Institute for Policy Studies, is the heart and brain of the U.S. "Progressive" movement.In 1978, in an article in National Review, Brian Crozier, director of the London-based Institute for the Study of Conflict, described I.P.S. as the "perfect intellectual front for Soviet activities which would be resisted if they were to originate openly from the K.G.B."Today, I.P.S. is the intellectual motor of American leftism and helps coordinate activities of both hundreds of thousands of street activists and thousands of leftist intellectuals, public figures, journalists and public officials from city and borough level, to Congress, the Senate and the White House.For example I.P.S. founded and continues to guide the U.S.'s major "peace" coalition, the Communist Party USA infiltrated United for Peace and Justice. I.P.S. also co-founded, with then Congressman, now Senator Bernie Sanders and Democratic Socialists of America, the now more than 80 strong, network of far left Representatives, the Congressional Progressive Caucus.I.P.S. therefore has the power to both bring both hundreds of thousands of demonstrators onto the streets and to introduce its own policy and legislation ideas into the U.S. Congress.In this video, Zarembka explicitly states that I.P.S. plans to influence the Obama Administration through a combination of external pressure and internal influence - an "inside/outside" strategy.The fact that Zarembka says that Obama has moved to the "center, even to the right" demonstrates just how far left I.P.S actually is.

Barack Obama helped found and served as a trustee, of an I.P.S. partner organization, New York based "progressive think tank" Demos, in the early 1990s. Van Jones, Obama's communist former "Green Jobs Czar", held the same job until recently. I.P.S. promoted Jones for a White House "Green Jobs" position, several months before Obama won the 2008 election.Joy Zarembka is not overstating I.P.S.'s influence here. She is telling it like it is.If you want to know what the Obama Administration will do tomorrow, look at what I.P.S. is saying today.


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