
"It's a Religious War!"<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
Dear Brethren:
I was so heartened to hear the hard truth finally spoken this week.
President Bush: "This nation is at war with Islamic fascists."
Rush Limbaugh: "This is a religious war… There is no room for compromise in a religious war… no room for 'settlement'"
Cal Thomas: "It is life or death. We want to live and they want us dead. Any questions? … We had better overthrow them before they overthrow us. Who can doubt their ultimate objective?" ( )
Brethren, as your Watchman here in D.C., I tell you this is serous stuff. The Islamists want to kill us, destroy our Judeo-Christian-based civilization and take over. When <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Iran gets the nuclear bomb, WATCH OUT! They will use it!
Meanwhile, our blind, deceived, even treacherous leaders are enabling this. By leaders I mean media, politicians of all stripes, academicians, entertainers, etc. Many of these people root for us to LOSE in Iraq and want to strip our anti-terror agencies of the means to detect terrorists. They think, believe and call evil "good" and good "evil" (Is 5:20). It is hard to believe this treason is happening, but it is! They want to be in POWER and to do this, they humiliate President Bush and his programs.
I have asked before whether we have the will to "resist." Some do, mostly conservative Republicans (and Sen. Joe Lieberman, D-CT). Many (liberals, media, academia) do not and propose "policies" that are nothing more than wishful-thinking "appeasement."
Is this just Harry's paranoia kicking in again? Or is all of this serious? I wish it were only my paranoia. But, my assignment is to WARN the remnant and to urge ACTION.
What kind of ACTION?

  1. PRAY! For our leaders' eyes, minds and hearts to awaken to the URGENCY of the day and take appropriate steps (2 Sam 22:2-50; Ezr 7:25-28; 1 Tim 2:1-2);
  2. PRAY! For the Church to awaken and pray for REPENTANCE & REVIVAL (2 Chr 7:14; Dan 9:4-19; Joel 2:15-20;
  3. PRAY! (and act, if possible) for God to move with a massive surge of His Power in the Muslim world (Ps 29:1-9), to remove the troublemakers (Pr 11:5) and to foil their evil schemes (Job 5:12-13).

Please, do not look away! Get engaged before it is too late!
Harry Valentine, CHPA Founder/Publisher

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