John Fea chair of the History Department at Messiah College Says: Evangelicals should think twice before relying on David Barton for historical information on the founding of the United States

Evangelicals should think twice before relying on David Barton for historical information on the founding of the United States

By John Fea, May 10, 2011

In case you missed it, the mainstream media has discovered David Barton. Last week The New York Times ran a front-page feature article on Barton's influence in the Republican Party and Jon Stewart had him as a guest on The Daily Show. By the time the 2012 primary season rolls around, Barton will be a household name.
But who is he? David Barton is the former vice-chairman of the Texas Republican Party and the president of Wallbuilders, an organization founded to present "America's forgotten history and heroes with an emphasis on our moral, religious, and constitutional heritage." During his appearance on The Daily Show, Barton claimed to advise dozens of members of Congress-both Democrats and Republicans-on matters related to the so-called Christian roots of America. If you are a congressperson and need a nice historical quote to help you convince your fellow lawmakers to support your proposed piece of legislation, Barton is your man.
In addition to helping politicians, Barton employs a team of speakers-including his son, Tim, and his daughter, Damaris-to spread his God-and-country message to evangelical churches throughout the nation. He has a daily radio show and a television show. Barton is the most influential conservative Republican you have never heard of.
Wallbuilders is a political organization that selectively uses history to promote a religious and ideological agenda. Barton believes that America's last, best hope is a return to its so-called Christian roots. In his most famous book, Original Intent, Barton argues that the removal of Christianity from the public square has resulted in a rise in birth rates for unwed girls, a spike in violent crime, more sexually transmitted diseases, lower SAT scores, and an increase in single parent households. And he has convinced thousands and thousands of Christians that he is right.
Barton claims to be a historian. He is not. He has just enough historical knowledge, and just enough charisma, to be very dangerous. During his appearance on The Daily Show, Barton impressed the faithful with his grasp of American history and his belief that Christians are being subtly persecuted in this country. But if you watch the show carefully, you will notice that Barton is a master at dodging controversial questions. He refuses to admit that sometimes history does not conform to our present-day political agendas.
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