Judicial Tyranny

Judicial Tyrannyby Larry PrattJudges increasingly act as if the rule of law means people must obey whatever drools down the lips of any social engineer who is cloaked in a black robe.  Judges believe  that whatever they say is the rule of law, which is a notion they probably picked up during their law school instruction.There is an open secret that an oath to uphold the Constitution does not mean upholding the non-smudge letters stored at the National Archives.  Rather, the oath that judges (and all other politicians) take means, they think, upholding whatever they say the Constitution means. This prerogative, of course, is not something to be accorded to mere mortals, aka taxpayers and voters.  The rest of the population cannotbe trusted, they seem to believe, with this sacred process of daily modifying the Constitution. More and more Americans are seeing behind the curtain, much as in the Wizard of Oz.  The Delphic voice of the gods behind the judicial curtain is actually a bunch of guys and gals who have fooled us.  Once we look behind the curtain we find out that their wisdom is really a crock of politically correct rubbish which almost always assaults the Constitution rather than upholds it.What is surprising is that a judge would tell us this. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia has been rather candid about the usurpations of his colleagues.  Even more surprising is that a sitting state judge -Robert H. Dierker, Jr. of the 22nd Judicial District of Missouri - has written a book laying out exactly how extensive is the coup d'etatbeing carried out by the nation's judicial class.Dierker's book is entitled The Tyranny of Tolerance: A Sitting Judge Breaks the Code of Silence to Expose the Liberal Judicial Assault. If you think that my language is blunt, please read the Judge's book.You should, even if you don't think my language is blunt.One of the more lucid statements of what the Second Amendment means is found in Dierker's book (page 80): "Until the advent of the liberaljudicial imperium, the meaning of the Second Amendment admitted of nodoubt.  The right to keep and bear arms was seen as a natural right, and the reference to the "militia" was no more than a recognition that every able-bodied male citizen of the age of sixteen constitutedthe reserve armed force of every state."The Tyranny of Tolerance is a wide-ranging look at the many perversionsof the law that have been perpetrated by the judiciary in our day.  It is a wake-up call for voters to ask politicians what kind of judgesthey are going to place in state and federal judiciaries.  If We the People don't make an issue of it, the problem will only get worse.This is the book that should be Constitutional Law 101 in every law school.  More than likely, however, students caught with a copy will face immediate expulsion.  They will be treated at least as harshly as a student caught with a - gasp - gun while on campus.  Of course, it would be imprudent to be caught in a jury box with this tome.  As a closing aside, Judge Dierker has penned this volume on his own time while not in any judicial building.  When I interviewed him for my Live Fire (http://www.gunowners.org/radio.htm) radio show, we bothgot an early start for the day so the Judge could do the show from home.  His PC "colleagues" are not happy with his book, and already some are trying to bring him up on ethics charges.  Indeed.  A judge telling the truth!  What is the world coming to?Larry Pratt is Executive Director of Gun Owners of America, anational gun lobby with over 300,000 members located at 8001 ForbesPlace, Springfield, VA 22151, (703) 321-8585.[Larry Pratt's email is [email protected]]


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