JUST RELEASED. FREE, NEW App for Iphone, Android & IPad

Breaking News!  Just Released; Free App for IPhone, IPad, and Android.The Best Way to Stream Our Radio and Television Ministry Programs, Read News, and Articles.Please post to your FB page, tweet, and e-mail to your address book to help us get out the word about this free Biblical resource. Thanks.www.worldviewweekend.com/app We have some wonderful news for you in this ministry report. You can now go to www.worldviewweekend.com/app and download our NEW and FREE app that will give you access to all the radio and television programs our ministry sponsors, produces, and distributes. As you know, we have about 18 different radio programs, most that are unique to our ministry, that we distribute through our app, website, Roku Channel and other devices. We are also launching several new television programs this fall. This new app also includes daily articles and news. The app took us the entire summer to have designed and built and I think you will be very pleased with this new ministry resource.As the world’s premiere Biblical worldview web-based radio and television network we are pleased to announce that this fall we will be launching the Justin Peters Television program, The Tommy Ice Television program, No Compromise TV with Mike Abendroth and The Straight Way TV with Usama Dakdok. Each of these programs will be filmed and post-produced from our Memphis, Tennessee studio. In December we will be filming and producing Proclaiming the Gospel TV with Mike Gendron from our Memphis, TN television studio.Thanks in part to your partnership through the Worldview Weekend Foundation, we continue to produce and distribute Biblical Worldview Radio and Television worldwide. Together we are proclaiming and defending a Biblical worldview.This summer Worldview Weekend.com was in the top 61,000 of all the websites in America and top 324,000 in the world out of 300 million websites according to an industry recognized tracking company.Our television program has been routinely watched by individuals in 120 nations within a four week period according to our I.T. department.Thank you again for your part in making Worldview Weekend.com the world’s premiere Biblical worldview web-based radio and television network. We pray that you are encouraged by this report.Another praise report is that our Contend 2015, free, student Worldview Weekend registration is far beyond the registration number we saw last year at this time. As you might remember, our 2014 Contend conference was filled to capacity with high school and college students from 23 states. Please continue to pray for God’s providential guidance as we continue to promote the January 1-3, 2015 conference.We are currently working on a full-color magazine that will be going to 50,000 homes that will assist in getting the word out about the Contend 2015 conference.Thank you again for your continued support of our work through the Worldview Weekend Foundation. Some have inquired about the ability to contribute automatically with a monthly contribution. You can set this up at www.worldviewweekendfoundation.comYou can still make a one-time or occasional contribution on our website as well. If you prefer to send a tax-deductible gift by check our address is:Worldview Weekend Foundation1016 West Poplar Ave #106-228Collierville, TN 38017Thank you again for partnering with us in ministry.Sincerely,Brannon HowseWorldview Weekend Foundationwww.worldviewweekendfoundation.com


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    PO BOX 1690
    Collierville, TN, 38027 USA

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