Kay Athur's open response to questions about a Famine in the US

Kay's open response to questions about a Famine in the <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />US<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
Precept Ministries International has been thrilled by the outpouring of support for the call to personal and national repentance Kay delivered at Deeper Still in Atlanta. However, we were forwarded an email that incorrectly attributed to Kay "a revelation about famine." We asked Kay to respond personally to clear up any misunderstanding about what she said.
Here is Kay's response below:
Beloved of God,  
I received a copy of an email from a precious woman who was so touched by the Lord through the message that she wanted to share it with others and call them to prayer for our nation. How I appreciate her listening heart and passion to live in obedience to the Word of God. God has used her email to awaken many to Truth. However, she misunderstood what I said about famine and therefore one of her "quotes" of my message needs to be clarified. Her email said,
"She (referring to me) said that God had revealed to her that a literal famine is coming to America. Physical, not spiritual."
Since I did not "have a revelation" and I am wary of such proclamations, I had LifeWay, the sponsors of Deeper Still, send me a CD of my message as I wanted to know exactly what I said. I said, "we (Americans) are set for famine."
This was said in the context of my reference to Ezekiel 14. In other words, we are inviting a famine because famine is one of the Lord's judgments on a nation that commits unfaithfulness (Ezekiel 14:12-20). I also mentioned that the sale of rice had recently been 'rationed' by Wal-Mart. (And while I did not mention it, the price of wheat had gone up significantly.  We are having crop failures because of the weather and God is in charge of the weather. His sovereignty rules over all.)
As you can see there is a big difference between saying I had a revelation from God and what I actually said. I was simply teaching the Word.
I want to thank each and every one of you who want to know what I said and took the time to ask. Your desire for clarity and willingness to come directly to me means a great deal, especially in the light of my message on Truth. I do believe eventually this message (on Truth) will be made available by LifeWay. I will give it again in Las Vegas on the first Saturday of September. I desperately need your prayers that I will simply be His faithful teacher of His precious infallible Truth, the Word of God and fear only One, the One who alone is God.
The message I brought, although a hard one, is, I believe, greatly needed. The warfare in delivering it was terrific…but thanks to God who always causes us to triumph through His Son, the One who has overcome and sits at His right hand interceding for us…and waiting for His day! His strength is perfected in our weakness and I truly was weak.
Until then, may you and I prove ourselves "to be blameless and innocent, children of God above reproach in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you appear as lights in the world holding fast the word of life…(Philippians 2:14-16)
Thank you all for your prayers for our nation. Repentance and righteousness are our only hope.
In His bonds of Calvary,
P.S. Please know Precept Ministries International exists as a ministry to help you (children, teens, adults) discover truth for yourself, go deeper and disciple. We are at work in nearly 150 countries and 70 languages and love the church. If we can serve you in any way please let us know. Nothing would give us greater pleasure than in fulfilling the reason God raised us up.
America is at the crossroads. Join Kay for a special 10-episode series on Precepts For Life, beginning September 8, 2008 to discover for yourself what the Bible says to Christians living in America today. As this movement grows, Precept will post new messages from Kay and other resources that will help you reach your community. Keep checking www.precept.org or call 1-800-763-8280 to learn more about this message, for station listings and more information about Kay Arthur and Precept Ministries International.
Pray for Revival-a grassroots effort to mobilize Christians nationwide into Thursday prayer meetings for our country and the upcoming elections. Visit www.precept.org/prayer
Go Deeper. If you sense God is calling you into a deeper relationship with Him and other believers, Precept offers a powerful array of Bible studies that will meet you wherever you are and help you go deeper. Visit www.precept.org/GoDeeperAtlanta
Deeper Still blog. LifeWay is posting experiences and content from the Atlanta Deeper Still. Visit http://blogs.lifeway.com/blog/womenallaccess/


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