Letter to Our Children

by Ceri Shepherd, Trendinvestor.info | September 29, 2008

We wanted to write you a letter on this historic day, BAILOUT DAY. Because Mummy and Daddy have acted very irresponsibly over the last 8 years, and we have now left you with many big problems for your future. I will explain.
As you know, you save money in your piggy bank and then if you want to buy things like sweets or a toy, you can take the money that you have saved and spend it. If you have not saved enough, you cannot buy things.
Mummy and Daddy don't do that anymore, the whole saving thing, your grandparents did, but we find that a bit boring, we prefer the instant pleasure of spending money here and now. So we borrow money from people called bankers it is called credit, with credit you have to pay back the amount that you borrowed and something called interest. Over the last 8 years Mummy and Daddy have borrowed a lot of money from the bankers, we have lots of credit, far too much. Because we have bought a lot of things that we simply cannot afford. This means that Mummy and Daddy can no longer afford to pay the bankers, who lent us all this money.
This means that the bankers are in big trouble, because they are owed a lot of money by all the Mummies and Daddy's who just like us cannot pay them. Click here for full article:http://www.financialsense.com/fsu/editorials/shepherd/2008/0929.html


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