Liberals, Elitists Use Armenia To Try To Defeat Our Troops! Is This TREASON

Liberals, Elitists Use <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Armenia To Try To Defeat Our Troops!  Is This TREASON?<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
"In the last days perilous times will come:  For men will be… boasters, proud, despisers of good, TRAITORS, haughty… " (2 Tim 3:2-5, emphasis mine)
Led by Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D., CA) and her anti-war, anti-Bush and anti-American cohorts, the Democrats are trying to defund and demoralize our troops in Iraq by passing a resolution in the House. 
The effect of this resolution, if approved by a majority in the House, will be to deny the United States use of its most important refueling and resupply base in Turkey.  Hence, our efforts in Iraq will be closed down as our troops become starved for fuel, armaments, food, etc.  By this backdoor and nefarious method, the Democrats and their Elite bed fellows will have achieved what has been impossible through a more straightforward and honest way such as up-or-down votes on defunding the war! 
Before I bring to your attention excerpts from articles which will explain this rather arcane matter, let's discuss a very important question:
"Is this effort TREASONOUS"?  And, are its perpetrators "PATRIOTS"?
Obviously, it is TREASON and its perpetrators are TRAITORS!  Why?  Because Treason is defined as "aiding or abetting one's enemies."  Certainly trying to help the Islamofascists is, by that definition, TREASON!  
Next, Pelosi and Co. are not PATRIOTS!  Why?  Patriotism is defined as "loyally supporting one's own country".  Is this what these schemers are trying to do?  Is this their motivation?  No!  Their motivation is to bring about our nation's DEFEAT and, especially, the defeat of President Bush and ALL REPUBLICANS so they can get a stranglehold on POWER!  I ask you, "Is this a patriotic (and godly) motivation?"
To sum up this part, this plot shows clearly that Pelosi and Co. are TRAITORS and UNPATRIOTIC partisans.
You are probably wondering what is going on here?  Here are some excerpts from good sources which will help you understand (as in the past, I urge you to read the entire articles to gain fuller understanding): 
"The president establishes American foreign policy and is commander in chief. At least that's what the Constitution states."
"[T]he House Foreign Affairs Committee passed a resolution condemning Turkey for genocide against the Armenian people, atrocities committed nearly a century ago during the waning years of the Ottoman Empire."
"If the entire House approves the resolution, the enraged Ankara government could do everything from invading Iraqi Kurdistan…to curtailing U.S. over-flight privileges and restricting use of American military bases in Turkey."(emphases mine)
Entire Article: Congress' New Role: Undermining U.S. Foreign Policy by Victor Davis Hanson
"House Democratic leaders say they will insist on a floor vote on a resolution calling the 1915 massacre of Armenians by Ottoman Turks 'genocide', despite Turkish leaders saying it will seriously hurt relations and Republican warnings that the measure is 'the most irresponsible' action Congress can take."
"The issue is highly sensitive in Turkey, where it is a crime to describe the Armenian killings as genocide. Turkey recalled its ambassador to the U.S. after the committee vote and has threatened further retaliation."
"About 70 percent of U.S. air cargo headed for Iraq goes through Turkey, as does about one-third of the fuel used by the U.S. military there. U.S. bases also get water and other supplies carried in by Turkish truckers who cross into Iraq's northern Kurdish region."
Entire Article: Turkey, GOP warn against vote on genocide by Sean Lengell
And further:     
"But if the resolution passes the House and Senate now, the Turks plan to evict us from Incirlik airbase in southeastern Turkey, to halt our military over-flight privileges and to shut down the supply routes into northern Iraq."
"That's what the Democrats are aiming at. This resolution isn't about justice for the Armenians. Not this time. It's a stunningly devious attempt to impede our war effort in Iraq and force premature troop withdrawals."
Entire Article: PLAYING POLITICS WITH GENOCIDE by Ralph Peters

Earnestly Join Us in Prayer:
"Lord, You tell us not to 'fret' because of evildoers who are plotting 'wicked schemes'.  As we wait on You, they will be 'cut off'. 
"Lord, may that promise be! (Ps 37:7-9) In Jesus' Name." 
Other Relevant Articles:
The Dangers of the Armenian Genocide Resolution by Michael Radu
Armenian folly by Helle Dale
Armenian crime amnesia? by Bruce Fein
Pelosi's Most Dangerous Ploy by Jed Babbin

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