A Look Back At 2015 & A Look Forward to 2016

Worldview Weekend Foundation
1016 West Poplar Ave #106-228
Collierville, TN 38017


Dear Worldview Weekend Foundation Friends,

2015 is fast coming to an end and I would like to give you a ministry report on what your ministry partnership has accomplished in 2015 and what together we anticipate accomplishing in 2016. To those that have partnered with us in ministry with your support, we want to say thank you. To those that cannot support our work at this time we want you to know this is one reason we offer so many of our programs at no charge to anyone. 

To those that have benefited for many months, and even years, from the many free ministry programs, who can partner with us but have just chosen not to do so, can I speak to you for a moment, please? Will you please consider that without the support of those that feast at the banquet we prepare each week, we will have to scale back at a time when we should be involved in more ministry and not less?

We have so many people that are spiritually fed through this ministry who have the ability to partner with us so we might meet our financial obligations, and yet they do not do so. I can only assume the reason is that because we are so low key about our financial obligations that they assume we have no needs. 

I must be honest, the one part about administrating this ministry, of which I am super uncomfortable, is talking about the financial needs. In fact, unlike most ministries, we do not send out a fundraising letter every month. I just find that so obnoxious when I see organizations doing that. The reason they do that is because it works. Yet, I am just not comfortable with that at all. I can spend time writing fundraising letters, or studying in order to teach and minister to people, and I would rather invest my time in Bible study and research and not in being a fundraiser. Thus, I think this is one major reason we don’t see the level of financial support we could with the large audience that we know we have.

So let me get out of my comfort zone for a minute and just simply tell you that we really need to hear from you before the end of 2015, or we are going to have to cut ministry programs. In order to run a very tight ship financially, I do not even have an assistant or a secretary. In 2014, I personally took over post-editing all of the television programs in order to save the money we were paying a producer. I really do not know how I can tighten the belt of the ministry any more and maintain our global reach. Thus, I really need to ask you to partner with us now before the end of 2015 so we might continue our global ministry outreach. 

Just through our website, app, & Roku channel, we are currently seeing over 1.5 million radio & TV streams per year, with 550,000 unique individuals watching our television programs or listening to our radio programs online in a given 12 month period. In 2015 we saw 181,500 new individuals watching our television programs and listening to our radio programs online. When we add in actual terrestrial radio stations and television stations, we are reaching millions per year as we proclaim and defend a Biblical worldview.

We have people watching and listening to our programs through our website, app, & Roku TV channel in 215 nations in a 12 month period. You can find out about our free Roku TV channel at www.wvwtv.com/roku. You can access our free app for your smart phone at www.wvwtv.com/app.

In January of 2015 we saw over 500 students register from 26 states for Contend, our free student Worldview Weekend for high school and college students, and our 2016 conference will once again be well attended. The conference begins on Thursday night, December 31st at 6pm and is all day Friday and half-day Saturday. 

We continue to film, post-edit, & distribute from our Memphis television studio the television ministry broadcast of Mike Gendron, Usama Dakdok, Tommy Ice, Mike Abendroth, Justin Peters, and the Worldview Weekend Hour. These programs can be watched at www.wvwtv.com 

While we broadcast more than 11 radio programs, our ministry specifically launched 11 programs that we continue to produce & distribute free of charge. Additionally, we have new radio programs in pre-production talks that we anticipate launching in 2016. All of these programs can be heard at www.worldviewradio.com

We continue to distribute some of the WVW-TV programs to television stations that have requested to broadcast our programs. We do not charge any of these stations to carry our programs but allow them to do so as another free, ministry opportunity.

Apple TV recently opened up their platform to developers and we are pleased to announce we were selected as an early developer. This will allow us to develop a WVW-TV broadcast channel on Apple-TV so more people can watch the TV programs we produce and distribute.

Your continued support will allow us to develop this additional, broadcast outlet and distribute our television programs for free to viewers around the world. With a WVW-TV channel on Roku and Apple-TV, we will be broadcasting on the two largest streaming television devices available. The development of this channel will be an estimated $14,000.00.

In 2016, we are planning to hold free Worldview Weekend rallies in 10 states on 10 nights from April 1st to April 10th. Your continued support will allow us to offer these rallies for free. You can find more details at www.worldviewweekend.com/conference 

In October of 2015 we purchased new technology that will allow us to stream several, free, LIVE, interactive, online Worldview Weekend Rallies from our television studio to anyone in the world that wants to watch. We held a free rally in November and have more planned in early 2016. Your continued support allows us to cover the cost of the bandwidth we must purchase in order to broadcast these free rallies.

On November 15th, we began to sponsor a free Worldview Weekend Bible Study on the book of John. On Sunday nights at 6:30pm CT, I am teaching verse by verse through the book of John using our live stream. After an hour of teaching, I answer e-mail questions from those watching. Our first week saw an estimated 350 participants.

As we come to the end of 2015, we appreciate your continued support so we can continue to distribute free broadcast ministries as well as cover the cost of the free Contend 2016 student Worldview Weekend Rally.

The cost of the free Contend conference is an estimated $20,000 with the cost of the facility, speakers’ airfare, promotions, lodging, speaker honorariums, and rental of tables and tablecloths for the students to sit at and take notes.

Our total streaming costs for giving away free radio and television programming is around $2,500 per month when we add in live streaming such as our free online Worldview Weekend Rallies and our Sunday night Worldview Weekend Bible Study. 

We also must pay for annual updates to the free Roku channel and free apps in order to keep them properly working. In addition, the player on free TV and radio websites need regular maintenance to keep up with changes in technology.

These are just a few of the many ministry expenses we must cover in order to continue to offer the free ministry resources discussed in this letter. Your continued support is greatly appreciated so we do not have to scale back or eliminate any of these ministry programs.

Your end of the year contribution is vital, as about 30% of our yearly budget comes in the last month of each year. After reading this report, if you believe that the ministry projects in which we are involved are vital and must continue in 2016, then we appreciate your continued support. Thank you for your tax-deductible support through the Worldview Weekend Foundation at wvwfoundation.com or by sending your check to:

Worldview Weekend Foundation
1016 West Poplar Ave #106-228
Collierville, TN 38017

If you prefer to give over the phone with a credit card, our donation voicemail is 901-853-8792. Please leave your information slowly so we can transcribe it and process your donation. 

Thank you again for your support of our various free ministries through the Worldview Weekend Foundation and thank you for praying for us and our ministry broadcasters.

Brannon Howse
Worldview Weekend Foundation
Worldview Weekend 

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