Marriage? "The Elite Judges Know Best!"

Marriage? "The Elite Judges Know Best!" <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
"For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth,
And deep darkness the people;
But the LORD will arise over you,
And His glory will be seen upon you." Isa 60:2
As you may know by now, four judges in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />California have decided that homosexual marriages are legal in that state and, therefore, will be exported to every other state.  As you will note below, the 4-3 decision means ONE judge made the difference and overturned the will of the people as expressed in a 2000 referendum. 
Here are some excerpts from analyses of this decision:
"In an act of outrageous judicial arrogance, four justices in black robes overturned the will of four-and-a-half million people in California yesterday (last week) and redefined marriage.  More to the point, since it was a 4-3 split, one justice overturned the people's will
"For those in any state who wish to be in a same-sex marriage, they can come to California, get their nuptials, and then head home claiming their marriage is legal." 
"In 2000, 61% of California voters overwhelmingly agreed that marriage was between a man and a woman, affirming that they didn't want to undertake a radical experiment with something as basic and important to the well-being of children as family structure."
"The judges think they know better."
"In other words, we, the intellectually and culturally elite justices know better than not only the will of the people, but all the accumulated moral tradition of the past."
(See more at Family Protection Lobby, - Dark Day for Marriage )
The Family Research Council astutely understands what this will mean for those pastors and churches who will have the courage to stand up for Biblical Truth:
Word for the Watchmen "If marriage between homosexuals is confirmed as a constitutional right, how long will pastors be able to confront this deviation with immunity? Not long. What will we do? We are bound to speak the truth by the Spirit of Truth (John 16:13) and we must obey God rather than men (Acts 5:29). The future of truth in this nation rests with us. We are the leaders of the institution described by God as the 'pillar and buttress of truth,' (1 Timothy 3:15, ESV). No nation can survive which turns from truth."
(See more at Family Research Council, - Watchmen Report: May 22, 2008)
Finally, here are some observations about the "logical" consequences of this precedent, including the legalization of polygamy (For example, see the current situation of the extreme Mormon cult in Texas):
"In order to appease an intransigent minority group, the California Supreme Court has, in the manner of Roe v. Wade, resorted to inventing a new legal principle to justify their predetermined goal."
"In creating a mechanism for justifying gay marriage, the justices have set in motion an infernal machine with consequences far beyond their limited imaginations."
"Cliff Thier has already pointed out that these unintended consequences may include the invalidation of no-fault divorce and the legitimization of polygamy."
"Having got rid of the old Judeo-Christian taboos, and considering the logical ramifications of the recent CSC decision, we are forced to conclude that 'marriage' in California is now or about to be accessible to any cohabiting group of any number of people of the same or both sexes, regardless of sexual orientation or activity."
(See entire article from American Thinker - Some Logical Corollaries of California's Gay Marriage Decision)
So, in the midst of the GROSS DARKNESS which is settling in around us, what can you and I (and our pastors and churches) do? 
"If Christians around the world were to suddenly renounce their personal agendas, their life goals and their aspirations, and begin responding in radical obedience to everything God showed them, the world would be turned upside down." (Dr. Henry Blackaby)
If we really believe Blackaby's premise, WE CAN TURN THE WORLD "UPSIDE DOWN".
How?  Just as the Israelites did in Eqypt:
Then the children of Israel groaned because of the bondage, and they cried out; and their cry came up to God because of the bondage. So God heard their groaning, and God remembered His covenant with Abraham, with Isaac, and with Jacob. (Ex 2:23b-24)
If we acknowledge our sinfulness and GROAN and CRY OUT to the LORD, asking Him to INTERVENE, He will "hear" and "acknowledge" us and ACT (Dan 9:19).  HOW He will act we cannot know.  But, He Will Act!  Of this we can be sure
(Note: emphases mine throughout)

Relevant Articles:
CA Supreme Court Imposes Same-sex 'Marriage', Overturning Prop. 22
High Court Unlikely to Settle 'Gay Marriage' Issue, Experts Say
California and Marriage: Tarnished Days in the Golden State
New York to Recognize Out-of-State Homosexual Marriages
California's Self-Defeating Same-Sex Marriage Decision
California Court's Judicial Activism Threatens the Institution of Marriage
Bills That Undermine Marriage Signed Into Law
How to Pray:

  1. REPENT!  Whether Christian or pagan, we have all sinned (Dan 9:all);


  1. Ask the LORD to give you a GROANING SPIRIT and then CRY OUT for deliverance from this oncoming Darkness (Is 60:2).  Without His Intervention, we are lost!


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