Media Scrutiny of Palin Reveals Bias

Media Scrutiny of Palin Reveals BiasPaul Shelby Lewis<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
Liberals, members of the "NEWS" media, and women's rights activists of all political persuasions have been pushing for years to get a woman on a presidential ticket.  During Hillary Clinton's run for the Democrat nomination, every other commentary was about the breaking of the proverbial glass ceiling that was taking place as a result of Senator Clinton's campaign.  Not only was it historic, but add it to Senator Obama's equally historic campaign and it showed the strides that Democrats were making in leveling the playing field; it also showed the true "white male" state of the Republican party. 
Months later we have a woman on a Presidential Ticket; but it's not Hillary.  A mother of five, Sarah Palin should make every left-leaning working mother shout for joy.  Two years after the first female Speaker of the House, herself a mother and grandmother, came into office, Sarah Palin is taking working women one step closer to the top.  We've never been closer to the glass ceiling.
But there are problems.  First of all, she is a conservative.  Members of the media are all about breaking down barriers .  .  . as long as those breaking the barriers swallow the liberal garbage printed in the paper and shown on television hook, line, and sinker.  Consider the case of Clarence Thomas.  A well-educated black man, he should have been lauded by civil rights activists.  But asked which Supreme Court Member he would not have nominated, who does Barak Obama name?  None other than Clarence Thomas; and ironically because did not have enough experience!
Second, she did not abort her fifth child despite knowledge that the baby would be born with down-syndrome.  This is contrary to one of the main arguments for keeping abortion legal; no child should ever have to be born with a handicap.  Such a decision by Palin and her husband is evidence of their belief that life begins at conception and that it is sacred.  Truly bad form in the eyes of liberal women's rights activists.
Third, her daughter is pregnant and "has to have" the baby.  How cruel of a mother to force her 17-year old to have a baby?  Young Bristol did not "choose" to get pregnant.  Imagine the audacity of teaching your children to accept the consequences of his or her actions. 
Fourth, and most importantly, the nomination of Palin reveals the lie that only democrats are in favor of empowering women.  Liberals think they have a strangle-hold on civil rights and women's rights.  Then comes along someone like Sarah Palin who stands against everything that the "Sisterhood of the travelling pant-suits" believes; and she wears a skirt just to rub it in! 
You may have questions about the nomination of Sarah Palin, many of which are legitimate from a Biblically conservative standpoint.  But the reasons Sarah Palin is being rejected by the media are shameful.  What's more, they are yet another revelation of the true nature of liberal values.

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