"I got Goose Bumps" Watching Senator Obama" --Bishop JakesMega Church Pastor T.D. Jakes said he "got goose bumps" watching Barack Obama's speech accepting the Democratic Presidential nomination.The goose bumps commentary by Pastor Jakes, pastor of Potter's House in Dallas, was published by growing number of Christian organizations are speaking out against T.D. Jakes' near-endorsement of Obama, including American Family Association's news arm, 'One News Now,' that reported, "Jakes went on to congratulate Obama on what he calls an historic accomplishment and a victory for democracy. However, Pastor Jakes did not mention Obama's support for abortion, or his support for record-breaking tax hikes."Conducting Talk Show interviews on this topic is O'Neal Dozier, an ex-pro football player, lawyer, PhD and pastor, who is reminding Americans not to get caught up in the style or persuasiveness of candidates but rather to examine their fruit and where they stand regarding traditional Judeo-Christian issues, upon which our nation was founded. Speaking on behalf of the Christian Anti-Defamation Commission, Rev. Dozier explains to your audience, "The Scripture warns Christians not be deceived by fine sounding words by false teachers. Obama's rhetoric is lofty but his positions hellish, his speeches are inspiring but his voting record is infernal. Obama supports abortion, homosexuality, and restrictions of religious liberty." "It is troubling that such a powerful communicator and spiritual leaders as T.D. Jakes would be caught up in the Barack Obama rhetoric. This illustrates a major problem. Christians need to be spiritually discerning. They must examine the fruit of person's life and not allow themselves to be caught up in the hollow type of charismatic campaign speeches." Rev. Dozier quotes a prophetic warning from the Bible, written nearly 2000 years ago, predicting the current political and spiritual culture of our day: "For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears. And they shall turn away their ears from the truth and shall be turned into fables." -- II Timothy 4:3-4 "It's a sad day when the preachers have become like the politicians who tell people with itching ears what they want to hear, rather than the truth they need to hear from the time tested sound moral counsel of the Bible. It is also a sad day in America when we find prominent pastors like Bishop T.D. Jakes praising extremely liberal politicians like Barack Obama who offers abortion and homosexuality to satisfy the lusts of the people and unfortunately T.D. Jakes gives him a rousing amen." ONE NEWS NOW/June 5, 2008Mega Church pastor praises Obama nominationAllie Martin reportingSenator Barack Obama is receiving praise from a well-known mega church pastor. The pastor is praising Obama for clinching the Democratic presidential nomination. Jakes went on to congratulate Obama on what he calls an historic accomplishment and a victory for democracy. However, Pastor Jakes did not mention Obama's support for abortion, or his support for record-breaking tax hikes. Instead, Jakes lauded Obama's victory as not only a victory for African Americans, but also a victory for democracy – one that proves the country provides possibilities for all people. Pastor Jakes also congratulated Senator Hillary Clinton (D-New York) for "proving that femininity is not a liability." Jakes said in his commentary that it was his hope and prayer that the country does not sink back into political pettiness as the presidential campaign continues. © 2008 American Family Association About Dr. O'Neal Dozier…Dr. O'Neal Dozier is an attorney, an ordained minister and a former professional football player with the Chicago Bears. Yet, as a patriotic American, he still found time to serve two consecutive terms in the U.S. military.Although today Dr. Dozier is a nationally known black conservative who has even been invited to The White House to pray with President Bush, Rev. Dozier comes from very humble roots and tries to remain humble with a servant's heart. O'Neal Dozier was born fourth out of eleven children on September 3, 1948 to sharecroppers Annie Dozier and the late Jessie Emmanuel Dozier. In 1955, his family left South Carolina and came to Pompano Beach, Florida on a migrant farm bus. Rev. Dozier went on to graduate from Blanche Ely High School in 1967, where he was a soloist in the Chorale and a member of the Football and Basketball Team.Dr. Dozier received a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Religion and Philosophy from Bethune-Cookman College in Daytona Beach, Florida. Rev. Dozier played professional football in the National Football League for the Chicago Bears during the 1974 football season. He was then traded to the New York Jets, where he was subsequently waived because of injury. In addition, Rev. Dozier was a player/coach during the 1979 football season for the Alabama Vulcans (Birmingham, Alabama) of the American Football Association Professional Football League (A.F.A.).Rev. Dozier served two consecutive terms in the United States Army. He later received a Doctor of Jurisprudence (Law Degree) from John Marshall Law School in Atlanta, Georgia. He also attended the Morehouse School of Religion Seminary in Atlanta, Georgia.Rev. Dozier has been a licensed minister of the Gospel since 1975 and was ordained as a Baptist Minister of the Gospel in 1983. He founded The Worldwide Christian Center on July 18, 1985, where he continues to serve as Pastor of the church.Rev. Dozier is no ordinary Pastor. He is a prayer warrior and teaches the Body of Christ how to pray to obtain results. He does not compromise the Word of God, but preaches the Word of God with boldness and accuracy. He counsels those in need. He visits the sick and those who are imprisoned. He helps the poor and needy not only by donating to various missions throughout the community and throughout the world but also, in conjunction with Gateway Community Outreach operates a food pantry each Saturday at the church.Rev. Dozier was a Professor of Law at Broward Community College and the Criminal Justice Institute of Broward Community College for three (3) years. In 2001, Governor Bush appointed Rev. O'Neal Dozier for a two-year term to the Seventeenth Judicial Circuit Judicial Nominating Commission, which screens and interviews applicants for Seventeenth Judicial Circuit Judgeships. In July, 2003, Governor Bush re-appointed Rev. Dozier to the same commission for an additional four-year term. In addition, in 2005 Governor Bush appointed Rev. Dozier to the Board of Directors of One Church, One Child of Florida, Inc. (adoption program). In February of 2005, President George W. Bush invited Rev. Dozier to the White House for a private meeting with President Bush and twenty-three (23) other Black African American Leaders. He is also the president of The Jerome E. Gray Republican Club of Broward County. Rev. Dozier was honored to be chosen as a speaker for The Reclaiming America For Christ 2003 and 2005 Conferences hosted by Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida where Dr. D. James Kennedy is the Senior Pastor. Rev. Dozier was also listed as a member of The 2004 National Register of Who's Who in Executives and Professionals.Rev. Dozier is married to Leketia Dozier, Esq. who is a licensed attorney in Broward County. He is the father of three (3) children: Adrienne, Tarakiki and Marilita and has two (2) grandchildren. Rev. Dozier, his wife and youngest daughter, Marilita reside in Pompano Beach, Florida.



To schedule an interview with O'NEAL DOZIER, call: 630-848-0750 or fill out the Do-It-Yourself Booking Form.Return to the Special Guests homepage

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