New Religious Right and Their Presidential Candidate Rick Perry Might Need Another Prayer Rally with NAR False Teachers To Save Campaign

GOP Debate a Death Knell for Perry?
The two big takeaways from last night's Republican presidential debate are universally-acknowledged: Rick Perry​'s embarrassing gaffe probably puts the last nail in the coffin of his campaign and the sexual harassment allegations against Herman Cain​ have earned him huge sympathy from primary voters. Newt Gingrich​ and Mitt Romney​ also shined, but Perry's forgetting of the third agency he'd scrap will dominate the news coverage of the race.
The allegations against Herman Cain were the media's obsession going into the debate. It was clear from the audience's booing of the moderators for bringing it up and intense applause to his answer that the allegations have actually brought him sympathy. In fact, Cain's seen a huge fundraising boost.
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